
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Howard County (Maryland) Public Library Employees Vote to Form Union

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we'll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Workers for the Howard County Library System in Maryland voted overwhelmingly to join AFSCME. The vote was 151 to 19 in favor of the union. More than 200 workers will be represented by the new unit. The workers are seeking a voice in the decision-making process and for fair wages, better job protection, reasonable schedules, adequate staffing, paths to promotion and a safe work environment.

“To me, one of the biggest impacts I’m hoping the union will have is improving communication,” said Eliana Holgate, a children’s instructor and research specialist in the library system. “It feels like there’s a disconnect between our leadership and the staff facing the community in the branches. We want our voices to be heard in the decision-making process and better understand decisions made that aren’t explained to staff. We want all staff to be safe and supported.”