Executive Council Statement

Nomination of Sharan Burrow for General Secretary

The AFL-CIO supports Sharan Burrow for general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation. Under Burrow’s leadership over the past eight years, the ITUC has increased its membership from 180 million to 207 million members and has dedicated itself to developing an organizing culture that gives unions around the world the tools they need to build power for all workers. Burrow effectively represents the interests of workers across all sectors at the global level and is well known for her advocacy on labor standards, corporate accountability, climate change, investment in infrastructure and the green economy, gender equality, global migration, and pro-worker economic and social policies.

Today, the global trade union movement must respond to the failed model of corporate globalization, attacks on workers’ rights and the rising tide of right-wing authoritarianism. At this critical moment, working people need a global trade union institution and movement that can challenge these ongoing threats to workers and create innovative strategies to strengthen the power of workers today and into the future. The ITUC requires strong, effective leadership with a proven track record of standing up to governments and corporations. Sharan Burrow is the global leader we need to continue to advocate for unions and build a global workplace that brings dignity to the world’s workers.

The AFL-CIO strongly supports the nomination of Sharan Burrow at the upcoming ITUC Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December 2018.