This past weekend in Houston, the AFL-CIO hosted its Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference, with a theme of "Reclaiming Our Dream: Strategize, Organize, Mobilize." Hundreds of working family advocates came together to shift the rules and build power so that working communities can thrive and families can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Here are some key tweets from the weekend:
Evelyn Smith of CWA 6222 rocks National Anthem at #1uMLK. #AFLCIO #TxAFLCIO. pic.twitter.com/pJwFQ5eykP
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) January 12, 2018
To widespread encouragement, Fred Redmond of #USW calls out @realDonaldTrump for racist remarks about Haiti & African nations to open #1uMLK. Then moment of silence. #TxAFLCIO #AFLCIO pic.twitter.com/E7IgpAhzqc
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) January 12, 2018
#Labor “can’t be the middle of the spear. We need to be the tip of the spear” in fighting sexual harassment., @RichardTrumka tells #1uMLK. #AFLCIO #TxAFLCIO pic.twitter.com/Apl2ws3sPL
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) January 12, 2018
‘Colin Kaepernick had a lot to risk and yet he took action. There’s a whole lot to learn from the courage he showed. If the flag means anything, it means the right to protest and speak out’ @richardtrumka #1uMLK
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 12, 2018
Awesome to see so many people participating in the @AFLCIO #1UMLK inclusion workshop pic.twitter.com/WU9Bsbmpwe
— DeLane (@delane392) January 12, 2018
When asked what did you do for the least, the last & the lost, the men & women of labor can say they were there for the least, the last & the lost! @RepAlGreen reminds #1uMLK why we join together this weekend pic.twitter.com/GXvCJnQicT
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 13, 2018
Unionists answers the call when Community is in need.. regardless of economic status, legal status, gender or sexual identity. Unionists fight to rebuild & strengthen our communities. Dora Cervantes, Secretary General for the mighty @MachinistsUnion & @LCLAA E-board memb #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/wupylHY4Bj
— Cesar Moreno Perez (@profe_c) January 13, 2018
Union members are powering the food sorting operation at @HoustonFoodBank for our #1uMLK Day of Community Service pic.twitter.com/G3idLyKXY6
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 13, 2018
TWU Members working in a disaster relief food bank to provide basic needs for families. Standing together as a Union family helping those who need help in Houston. #1uMLK @transportworker pic.twitter.com/EEtXa472hg
— Gary L Shults (@ShultsGL) January 13, 2018
To honor Dr. King is to work every day to dismantle racism. #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/vs76h7TIVJ
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 13, 2018
Dr. King taught us how to confront an unjust power structure. Labor has the infrastructure to fight the horrible extremism we’re facing in this political moment. We know how to get it done. - @LCLAA Exec Director @Hesanche to #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/0IYBzP7z8q
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 14, 2018
Jaida Curtis representing @CLUWNational talks about the importance of connecting the activism of young people and seasoned organizers to build power for working people #1uMLK @AFLCIONextUp pic.twitter.com/KB266mbxm9
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 14, 2018
.@Rafael_Navar National Political Director for @cwaunion - We have to double down on the most important resource of our movement, our people. We have to develop political programs that turns them into future Dr. Kings and Fannie Lou Hamers #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/N6E47bLMPe
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 14, 2018
.@AFSCME President, Lee Saunders, talking about the #IAM2018 campaign to lift up racial justice, labor rights, & economic justice. Inspired by sanitation workers in Memphis & MLK who marched with them. https://t.co/USueMgHdrB #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/TMUpcGYuef
— APALA (@APALAnational) January 15, 2018
Even in the darkest hours I feel hope in our movement, because our movement has the most courageous and selfless leaders I have ever met - Sec-Treasurer @lizshuler introducing @APWUnational Sec-Treasurer Liz Powell, At the River Where I Stand awardee #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/AYjr7eEt14
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 15, 2018
“Civil Rights in 2018 is much broader than black and white.” -@rustyhicks at our @KingDayParade reception #1uMLK pic.twitter.com/rI5aYaWiEO
— The LA Fed (@LALabor) January 15, 2018
Working people honor the life & legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We will always march ahead, together. #1u #1uMLK #MLKDay pic.twitter.com/0nJzYcoonW
— AFL-CIO (@AFLCIO) January 15, 2018