When President Donald Trump takes to the House floor to deliver his State of the Union address this evening, we hope to hear a concrete plan to fund the government and make the economy work for those of us who work the hardest. But so far, his actions in office suggest otherwise. Ahead of the big speech, let’s break down his record.
Over the past two years, the Trump administration has overseen a wide-ranging and deeply harmful assault on the rights, dignities and livelihoods of working people. Here are just a few of the president’s worst anti-worker actions:
Denied a pay check to 40% of the federal workforce through the longest government shutdown in history.
Jammed through massive corporate tax cuts on the backs of working people, encouraging further outsourcing and automation.
Derailed the Department of Labor’s overtime rule, blocking millions of workers from receiving a pay raise.
Proposed widespread cuts to health care, targeting critical funding for Medicare and Medicaid, as well as the health coverage of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions.
Undermined the new conflict of interest rule, potentially costing working people more than one-quarter of our retirement savings.
Stacked the National Labor Relations Board with union-busting corporate lawyers.
Made workplaces more dangerous by rolling back important federal safety regulations.