Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here's a look at the broad range of activities we're engaged in this week.
Actors' Equity:
Thank you @SenGaryPeters for introducing this legislation. This would protect arts workers by allowing them to apply for unemployment insurance for jobs they had accepted but had not yet started due to postponement by the coronavirus. https://t.co/IZqyXvuPEG
— Actors' Equity (@ActorsEquity) March 20, 2020
Thank you @FederalNewsNet for recognizing federal employees who continue to make our government work during these uncertain times. #1u #COVID19 https://t.co/uIvVYpgz09
— AFGE (@AFGENational) March 20, 2020
“When things like these episodes break out, we’re on the front lines.” – Leo Laffitte, a custodian for 18 years at the Hartford Public Library, a member of AFSCME Local 1716 and a district vice president for @AFSCMECT4. https://t.co/H6yOxL9LfE
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) March 20, 2020
Air Line Pilots Association:
READ: ALPA signs on to #aviation labor #union letter to Cong. "It is imperative that any relief package focus on the workers ...Any federal aid must keep employees on payroll, protect labor rights & come w/ statutory guarantees that the money will go to the frontline workforce" pic.twitter.com/j373hH293P
— ALPA (@WeAreALPA) March 19, 2020
Alliance for Retired Americans:
Election workers are wary. Fearing infection, voters aren't showing up at the polls. #COVID19 has made it even more important for all 50 states to have the option to vote by mail. Sign our petition to demand action: https://t.co/pQW6jlhT89 pic.twitter.com/xKmb0kwtWF
— Alliance Retirees (@ActiveRetirees) March 19, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union:
ATU Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert. To download and share with your fellow ATU members, please click here: https://t.co/Wxn91VBhUP #TogetherWeFightTogetherWeWin #1u #OneATU pic.twitter.com/dwnM64hwhX
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) March 16, 2020
American Federation of Musicians:
The Coronavirus Response Act helps many working people, but it does not help all of us. Many musicians can't qualify for unemployment or other benefits. Tell your legislators to provide relief NOW. #1u #CoronavirusResponse https://t.co/lq075gxbDp
— AFM (@The_AFM) March 20, 2020
American Federation of Teachers:
We want to take a moment to thank all the nurses, healthcare professionals, educators, faculty, support staff, public employees, and all others who are on the front lines to keep our communities safe during this pandemic. #ThankAFirstResponder pic.twitter.com/RNIxHNMUT4
— AFT (@AFTunion) March 19, 2020
American Postal Workers Union:
Today the union signed two memoranda of understanding with USPS temporarily expanding paid leave for PSEs and expanding the use of dependent care leave for postal employees with unexpected childcare needs as a result of the pandemic. #APWUnited https://t.co/e1GHBiOcEd
— APWU National (@APWUnational) March 18, 2020
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
APALA releases guidance on how to protect AAPI workers in light of the outbreak of COVID-19!
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) March 5, 2020
1. Share the guidance on how to protect AAPI workers!
2. Print out and hang the poster in your workplace or place of business to show support!https://t.co/e2kl7jRfc5 pic.twitter.com/guW1vDfOWN
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
We've seen catastrophe before. We know what didn't work & we won't let that happen again. We need relief that focuses on REAL people.
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) March 20, 2020
Tell Congress: Any public relief plan should be #PeopleFirst plan w/ legally-binding rules, incl paycheck continuation. https://t.co/mkAhaRIVn4 pic.twitter.com/uty29doZkG
We can all use a little good news right now. If you or a #Boilermaker you know has stepped up in a special way during this pandemic crisis, share your story with the Boilermaker Reporter at https://t.co/DVYXDyb37i. We are #unionstrong in this together.
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) March 19, 2020
In response to questions from those in the #construction industry, @CPWR has developed guidance on #COVID-19. Check it out: https://t.co/iuZQVmvIlM #coronovarius #1u
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) March 19, 2020
California School Employees Association:
Nearly all of California schools are closed or have announced that they will close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Governor Newsom has indicated that they may not reopen before the summer break. Please view this thread for more information.
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) March 18, 2020
1/5 https://t.co/xClLPU2Dyw
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
NEW: Statement by CBTU President Terry Melvin on the coronavirus and CBTU’s convention in May. https://t.co/ImGddZtpPW
— CBTU (@CBTU72) March 17, 2020
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
In EVERY state, public service workers are on the frontlines of fighting #COVID19. But in 24 states, they lack the freedom to collectively bargain for improvements that protect all of us. Tell your Rep. to pass the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act 1-877-682-6145 #PSFN
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) March 12, 2020
Communications Workers of America:
Nearly all of California schools are closed or have announced that they will close because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Governor Newsom has indicated that they may not reopen before the summer break. Please view this thread for more information.
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) March 18, 2020
1/5 https://t.co/xClLPU2Dyw
Department for Professional Employees:
"Elected officials have a moral responsibility to ensure emergency relief packages address these workers’ unique circumstances." - DPE President @J_Dorning #1u https://t.co/d0Ru1Ryeqr
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) March 20, 2020
Electrical Workers:
Message from @IBEW_CCO James Barry regarding recent updates and Government response to COVID-19 Pandemic https://t.co/D4LkDB4mKl
— IBEW (@IBEW) March 20, 2020
Fire Fighters:
Listen to Episode 1 of our #COVID-19 Podcast https://t.co/B4ZlrG3JrI
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) March 19, 2020
Please subscribe, like and share! pic.twitter.com/5AB6MlRRZF
Glass, Molders, Pottery, Plastics and Allied Workers-USW:
The General Executive Board is placing a suspension on all Local Union Meetings until such time as the COVID-19 virus national emergency quarantine and isolation recommendations are lifted.
— Insulators Union (@InsulatorsUnion) March 20, 2020
Read more from the General Executive Board here: https://t.co/BDJBz5aMWZ
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
Great resource for Californians from the amazing staff at @LegalAidAtWork !! https://t.co/yEYuxeGMeO
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) March 19, 2020
International Labor Communications Association:
Bookmark this @AFLCIO #COVID19 resource page #1u https://t.co/RwKBsHT4n4
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) March 18, 2020
The growing COVID-19 crisis has roiled the U.S. construction industry from coast to coast, with contractors large and small mired in uncertainty and wondering what their next steps should be. #SocialDistanacing #ThursdayThoughtshttps://t.co/gLVVVj7SX1
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) March 19, 2020
Jobs with Justice:
Like so many other working people, minor league baseball players are struggling to make ends meet. A brand new organization just launched with aims on changing that. Excited to see what @MiLBAdvocates has in store! https://t.co/GiFdMDr6aQ
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) March 20, 2020
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
¿Qué debo hacer protegerme del coronavirus? ¿Cómo puedo evitar el contagio? ¿Quiénes son las personas que corren mayor riesgo? Mantengámonos informados! pic.twitter.com/W2iA08kLdL
— LCLAA (@LCLAA) March 16, 2020
We have updated our #COVID19 resource center.
— Machinists Union ✈️🚊🚀 (@MachinistsUnion) March 12, 2020
📍 Virus prevention tips
📍 Specific guidance for transportation and healthcare workers
📍 Messages and status updates from IAM leadership https://t.co/xCm6Yg2GmO
Maritime Trades Department:
We may be waiting on a vaccine for COVID-19, but we already have an antidote for when the boss tries to lay you off for getting sick. It’s called a union. Tell your Congressmember to support the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act at 1-877-682-6145 #PSFN
— MaritimeTrades (@Maritime_Trades) March 12, 2020
Metal Trades Department:
With all of the uncertainty surrounding the stock market and the economy the MTD has posted "A guide to market fluctuations" from Capital Group | American Funds. https://t.co/nPQnhJqPkt
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) March 12, 2020
Mine Workers:
While the coronavirus, at this time, is primarily occurring in America’s coastal states, it will soon move inland. We want to make sure that UMWA members and their families have the proper resources to remain as safe and healthy as possible.https://t.co/jmPBpJsEYZ
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) March 19, 2020
Musical Artists:
In response to the public health crisis brought on by COVID-19, members of the Coalition of Broadway Unions and Guilds (COBUG) issued the following statement: https://t.co/BWNHjlE5xy #AGMAendures #WeAreAGMA pic.twitter.com/6zBd4ofnqH
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) March 18, 2020
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA:
— NABET-CWA (@NABETCWA) March 16, 2020
COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
March 16, 2020https://t.co/Uuimpfy8lU
National Association of Letter Carriers:
Mandatory Stand-Up Talk on new customer signature capture process. (Mar 19): https://t.co/FfdnkDNskv
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) March 20, 2020
Executive VP Renfroe delivers updates on #COVID19, including the new signature capture process. Listen to the podcast (Ep. 2): https://t.co/xQv3bpaUs8 pic.twitter.com/wCSDANhdUx
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
Too many low wage and migrant workers are excluded from paid sick leave n other protections, so we are launching the Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund to provide immediate support so workers can take care of themselves and their families. Will you chip-in? https://t.co/wjJ2QI4sGy
— NDLON (@NDLON) March 19, 2020
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
Slowing the spread of the #coronavirus requires most of us to stay home. But many care workers cannot . We can help domestic workers — and all of us — stay safe by donating to the #CoronavirusCareFund. We're all in this together! https://t.co/EuZnHCFunc
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) March 16, 2020
National Nurses United:
Solidarity with workers taking action to protect themselves and their communities during the #COVID19 pandemic!#1u https://t.co/HsZU7eEDLb
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) March 18, 2020
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
Drivers: We want you to stay safe. We want you to have financial support. Please read our message about available resources. We are here for you during this crisis. https://t.co/dUnVNxCqQr
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) March 16, 2020
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Connectivity is essential in times of crisis.That's why our parent union @CWAunion & allies are asking broadband CEOs to lift data caps, waive fees, & do everything in their power to help people connect to the world from home & stop the spread of COVID-19. https://t.co/hJ5rKjZ3on
— NewsGuild (@newsguild) March 17, 2020
NFL Players Association:
Players: NOW is the time to reset and refocus. Work on your resume, connect with people you always said you'd get around to connecting with, take an online course.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) March 19, 2020
We have resources with @AthlLife that can help you prepare: https://t.co/JgLJMDkd1f. https://t.co/wc1ISJ8kUm
North America's Building Trades Unions:
In response to the construction industry's questions regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, the following are steps EVERYONE should be taking now:https://t.co/SVMb7ncqwP pic.twitter.com/6K6ZDVqa34
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) March 12, 2020
Office and Professional Employees:
OPEIU members can access hardship benefits — including healthcare assistance, financial assistance, and homeowner assistance — via @UnionPlus. Learn more at the link below. #1u #COVID19 #OPEIU https://t.co/yfkmRyQLro
— OPEIU (@OPEIU) March 19, 2020
Painters and Allied Trades:
Construction workers demand health coverage for the insured and uninsured. Congress needs to recognize that layoffs, jobsite shutdowns, long-term unemployment and prolonged economic uncertainty put us ALL at risk. https://t.co/oA1D0Zv1FP #SaveWorkers #WeAreUnion pic.twitter.com/Q43r3vpI8e
— GoIUPAT✊🏽 (@GoIUPAT) March 20, 2020
Pride At Work:
Big heartfelt thanks to the millions of grocery and restaurant workers who are on the front lines making sure we have food. They all deserve affordable healthcare. pic.twitter.com/3tQq4fsLXo
— Pride at Work (@PrideatWork) March 16, 2020
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
LAS tower: PASS alarmed that FAA tech ops workers not immediately informed about test results so they could take proper precautions. Learned about exposure AFTER tower at McCarran was evacuated. FAA must act!@repdinatitus @SenJackyRosen @SenCortezMasto https://t.co/TMH560ff6P
— PASS (@PASSNational) March 19, 2020
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum's latest column: "The goal of any recovery action and legislation needs to be simple: no worker should suffer loss of income because of this pandemic, including those who aren’t sick or caring for the ill." https://t.co/SY0Wsa9F7F pic.twitter.com/GtOSO8FKJr
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) March 19, 2020
If your employer has reduced your hours or shut down operations due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance. We’ve built a database of governmental agency websites: https://t.co/T0pJWB0a8H pic.twitter.com/XTKf2PLlqz
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) March 18, 2020
School Administrators:
School principals say, "It's time to shut down all U.S. schools." @khefling, @PerezJr, @NickNiedz, @cnnbrk, @MSNBC, @FoxNews, @CBSNews, @ABC, @NBCNews, @AP pic.twitter.com/TPcXKrPrZe
— AFSA Leadership (@AFSAUnion) March 15, 2020
Important update for SIU members: https://t.co/q2Ad6ffaUT#1u
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) March 20, 2020
Solidarity Center:
As #journalists are thrown out of countries or otherwise prevented from doing their job reporting on #coronavirus, govts are jeopardizing the dissemination of essential facts the public needs to keep themselves safe. #pressfreedom @pressfreedom @RSF_interhttps://t.co/w8Mqpk6MiX
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) March 20, 2020
Theatrical Stage Employees:
#IATSEWomen are leading the charge in our efforts to get congress to include entertainment workers in a #COVID19 federal relief package.
— IATSE (@IATSE) March 20, 2020
Nearly 60% of those who sent letters to congress through our Action Network link are women!#WomensHistoryMonthhttps://t.co/5j63de0eyc
Transport Workers:
TWU Local 2055 Secretary Treasure Gary Criscuolo (left, green hard hat & Executive Board member Nick Pascale Chicago (right) appeared in a @FOX61News news segment about cleaning @MetroNorth trains during the #coronavirus pandemic #TWURailroadDivisionhttps://t.co/6DcJ4yJ2CT
— TWU (@transportworker) March 19, 2020
Transportation Trades Department:
From TTD President Larry Willis: Lawmakers must ensure bailout & stimulus funds flow to working families, collective bargaining rights must be preserved #COVID19 https://t.co/zoVJ06T1c1
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) March 17, 2020
“We’ve been working very closely with the FCA leadership and are very pleased that they have taken this step to help us protect the hard-working men and women and our communities across the nation." - UAW President Rory Gamble https://t.co/OqQ4E8KDNM
— UAW (@UAW) March 18, 2020
🙏Hope is NOT a strategy.
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) March 20, 2020
📝We need a PLAN OF ACTION that addresses urgent & immediate needs of the American worker—not just the American industry.
📲Tell Congress they MUST prioritize #WorkersFirst in any #AirlineBailout.
🔗SIGN & SHARE >>> https://t.co/y7UU00Trz8#COVID19 pic.twitter.com/JSr9gkQKHX
United Food and Commercial Workers:
America’s grocery workers on front lines of #Coronavirus are working long hours to make sure families have food & supplies they need.
— UFCW (@UFCW) March 17, 2020
These workers need #PaidLeave to keep our communities strong.@SenateMajLdr @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer @GOPLeader must cover these workers now. https://t.co/GCRx2evRRz
United Steelworkers:
Help keep your members safe & healthy. Check out some materials you can download & share with your local at https://t.co/ckkjyKK2F9. #Coronavirus #Covid19 #1u https://t.co/ckkjyKK2F9 pic.twitter.com/EjxovgX0dy
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) March 20, 2020
Utility Workers:
If your lights are on, your home is warm, & you have fresh flowing tapwater... thank the UWUA members from across the nation working around the clock to keep all of these services intact. RETWEET to show your support for our hardworking utility workers! #1u #COVID19 #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/hF6eEDolOu
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) March 18, 2020
Working America:
Big Pharma greed is death profiteering. https://t.co/M6g36GGJUJ
— Working America (@WorkingAmerica) March 20, 2020
Writers Guild of America, East:
Schiff is 💯! Many entertainment workers don’t get leave and unemployment benefits due to the unique nature of their work. We need that to change!
— Writers Guild of America, East (@WGAEast) March 19, 2020
Pls call your Reps at 202-223-3121 & urge them to include entertainment industry workers in the next #COVID19 economic relief bill. https://t.co/6EGItWQpPp