It's time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
California Labor Federation:
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— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) April 6, 2020
| PPE & PAID |
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Colorado AFL-CIO:
#COVID19Colorado #COVID19 #UnEmploymentClaims pic.twitter.com/ya90TRNHay
— Colorado AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOCO) April 2, 2020
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
At least 3 @UFCW members in CT have contracted #COVID19. These workers are tired and scared. Please remember to keep 6 feet from these workers and other customers and when possible, send only one family member to the store at a time. https://t.co/TlC21YBBzT
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
Florida AFL-CIO:
Florida has one of the worst Unemployment Systems in the country, thanks to Rick Scott.
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
With thousands of Floridians out of work,Governor DeSantis must act now to fix our broken system.
Click here to sign the petition: Florida workers need relief!https://t.co/mUkkYDYyfU pic.twitter.com/zL3OCZC4sS
Georgia AFL-CIO:
#wearethefrontline and the workers who are keeping our state healthy and safe need strong protections. Thank you @StateRepRhondaB for standing work workers!! https://t.co/N964NwtDHR
— Georgia AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOGeorgia) April 3, 2020
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
Our #FrontlineWorkers are vulnerable because the Trump administration squandered nearly two months when they should have been bolstering our national inventory and increasing the production of personal protective equipment (PPE). https://t.co/tCybFiwDbC
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) April 7, 2020
Iowa Federation of Labor:
Has your employer offered you extra leave due to COVID-19? pic.twitter.com/qUb01ZjkKX
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
Maine AFL-CIO:
Do you have a question about applying for unemployment insurance? Do you need help filing? Our experienced staff members can help! Just click the link, fill out the form and we will be in touch. https://t.co/8a9juKj8LO
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) April 1, 2020
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
Please contact your State Rep and Senator to ask them to sign on and help slow the spread of #COVID19. #1u #Solidarity https://t.co/GBtxe0gxQd
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO (@massaflcio) April 2, 2020
Metro Washington (D.C.) Council, AFL-CIO:
Contractor cuts cleaning staff during pandemic https://t.co/b3dovlRgxP
— [email protected] (@DCLabor) April 7, 2020
Michigan AFL-CIO:
There's plenty you can still do while following @GovWhitmer's #StayHomeStaySafe order: pic.twitter.com/JPMFFkY06E
— miaflcio (@MIAFLCIO) April 2, 2020
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
Shutdown of music venues sidelines musicians https://t.co/0YhJZQw0v7 #1u pic.twitter.com/TMVeC8te7b
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
Missouri AFL-CIO:
Researchers have long known that unionized workplaces – whether in mining, construction, manufacturing or warehouses – are significantly safer for employees than non-union workplaces. https://t.co/oRdtJmxVs6
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) April 7, 2020
Montana AFL-CIO:
.@SteveDaines spiking the football for legislation he voted against is pretty on-brand. https://t.co/9PGtU9pIrr
— Montana AFL-CIO (@MTaflcio) April 3, 2020
Nebraska State AFL-CIO:
Tell Trump to use the National Defense Production Act to produce desperately needed protective equipment healthcare and other workers need to keep themselves, patients and the public safe.
— Nebraska State AFL-CIO (@NE_AFLCIO) April 3, 2020
Sign here: https://t.co/ukfLR0Lz6q
New York State AFL-CIO:
Opinion | The federal government has an agency with the power to protect doctors, nurses, delivery workers and other “essential personnel” on the pandemic front lines. It’s time to use it. https://t.co/zrAn1SwBJ7 via @politico
— NYSAFLCIO (@NYSAFLCIO) April 7, 2020
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
SHAME: Mission Health seeks second union hearing delay, blames pandemic https://t.co/LuU8ZitDiA. #COVID19 #AVL #1u
— NC State AFL-CIO (@NCStateAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
Need a quick and easy way to navigate questions about unemployment compensation benefits? The #Ohio @AFLCIO has you covered.
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) April 7, 2020
Click here: https://t.co/bzaQsjPckC
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
Five Years and Counting: Online Voter Registration Won’t Be Ready in 2020https://t.co/JkbZqVucLj
— Oklahoma AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) April 3, 2020
Oregon AFL-CIO:
New #podcast episode! How the spread of #Coronavirus is impacting working people, and what you can do, right now, to help frontline workers.https://t.co/4xWYxvrpzP
— Oregon AFL-CIO (@OregonAFLCIO) April 5, 2020
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
President @RWBloomingdale gives his state of the unions speech at our 44th Constitutional Convention! #Solidarity #PPENow pic.twitter.com/GFvLVUj2XO
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) April 6, 2020
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
Firefighters fear coronavirus-fueled supply shortages soon https://t.co/yHR4YMIWcO via @nbcnews #1U #Unions #UnionStrong #IAFF #Firefighters
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) April 6, 2020
Texas AFL-CIO:
Workers need immediate intervention from Congress. Their livelihoods are on the line.
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) April 6, 2020
The CARES Act does not go far enough. Congress must ensure frontline workers are protected on the job and workers are kept on the payroll. https://t.co/bmdKz6jME9
Virginia AFL-CIO:
.@GovernorVA Maybe we have to say it a little louder, Twitter is a little crowded today *clears throat*: 🗣WILL YOU PROTECT WORKING VIRGINIANS BY SIGNING ONTO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE LEGISLATION? #WorkerVoices #AskGovNortham #WorkersFirst pic.twitter.com/VpDJSaz3DO
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) April 2, 2020
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
ATTN: If you have an absentee ballot, it must be postmarked by today, April 7, or hand delivered by 8:00 p.m. April 7 to:
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) April 7, 2020
your municipal clerk’s office
your polling location
a designated absentee ballot drop-off location