The latest episode of the "Labor Radio–Podcast Weekly" features immigrant solidarity, oral history and more. This week’s highlights from labor radio and podcast shows focusing on working people include:
“You know, I'm not just the epithet that they give me, we shape history every day and collective actions here could shape history in a new way,” Cristobal Cavazos of Immigrant Solidarity DuPage on "Labor Express Radio," Chicago's only English-language labor news and current affairs radio program.
“My Pietro. He worked in the sheds for 15 years. Always he was not satisfied. Always, he said someday he would find other work. But no other work he found.” That’s from the latest episode of "En Masse," where interdisciplinary artist, labor activist and political educator Liz Medina brings together oral histories and social theory with stories of struggle and hope from the working class.
In addition, sisters, who are members of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART), share their stories; "Workers Beat Radio" votes by mail; "UCOMM Live" reports on unemployment claims in New Jersey; and "Labor History in 2" discusses Chicago’s first teachers’ strike.
Check out all the shows on Labor Radio/Podcast Network.