It's time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alaska State AFL-CIO:
Call @lisamurkowski and @SenDanSullivan NOW and tell them to pass the #HEROESActNOW to invest in infrastructure which creates good jobs during this crisis. pic.twitter.com/LdSIMMjsS5
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) August 7, 2020
Arizona AFL-CIO:
Mitch McConnell’s proposal offers:
— Arizona AFL-CIO (@ArizonaAFLCIO) August 5, 2020
- $0 for U.S. Postal Service
- $0 for state and local governments
- $0 for elections
- $0 for the uninsured/underinsured
- No safety standard to protect front-line workers from COVID-19
Pass the HEROES Act NOW! https://t.co/koS5ItFUff
California Labor Federation:
We're with you judge. We've all lost patience with these law-breaking, worker-exploiting, tax-cheating companies and their mansion-buying, tone-deaf execs. Hey @Uber @lyft, why don't you just do what the judge says and follow the damn law??? #NoOnProp22 https://t.co/I9kYz98VJj
— California Labor Federation #BlackLivesMatter (@CaliforniaLabor) August 12, 2020
Colorado AFL-CIO:
Public benefits are expiring, and many Coloradans are not back at work full time. Evictions leave people exposed and in danger. @GovofCo, we need you. #KeepColoradansHoused https://t.co/vWSPLj9a17
— Colorado AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOCO) August 10, 2020
Florida AFL-CIO:
Unemployed Floridians continue to face uncertainty after the expiration of federal unemployment benefits. https://t.co/uV6D3tzBaO
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
Georgia State AFL-CIO:
Working families are fed up with inaction at all levels of government. This week, we're calling on Georgia’s Senators to hold a vote on and pass the #HEROESAct- a road map to rebuilding America and saving working families. We need action now. #gapol pic.twitter.com/3xMP9dxPP5
— Georgia AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOGeorgia) August 3, 2020
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
Hailed as “heroes” at the onset of the pandemic, supermarket employees now say they are overworked, overwhelmed and feeling expendable again.https://t.co/HkqrUzv8Xk
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
Iowa Federation of Labor:
The Coronavirus’ impact on veterans, families, and America’s for-profit healthcare systemsFrom VHPI at The Chicago Crusader: https://t.co/cb7wITDT4H
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
Kentucky State AFL-CIO:
From @WHAS11 “Unemployed Kentuckians honk for more federal help”
— Kentucky AFL-CIO (@aflcioky) August 7, 2020
“We don’t need a ZEROS Act, we need a HEROES Act,” Kentucky AFL-CIO President Bill Londrigan said.https://t.co/h0nxTLp07d
Maine AFL-CIO:
Wow! Did you know that @SenatorCollins helped pave the way for the destruction of the Postal Service by sponsoring a law to effectively defund it? Maybe it's time to elect a Senator like @SaraGideon who won't do the dirty work for corporate privatizers. #mepolitics https://t.co/2tiXpfiE2q
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO:
The Governor is complaining about a problem that he created. The Attorney General is right: Mail everyone a ballot, like the Governor already did earlier this year. https://t.co/Ec8clvwOEz
— Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO (@MDDCStateFed) August 4, 2020
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
The #HEROES Act has been on @senatemajldr's desk for nearly 3 months. The Senate needs to pass it NOW. Working people across America are suffering every single day due to the inaction of Mitch McConnell and the @SenateGOP. https://t.co/ugHICTsk0D
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO (@massaflcio) August 5, 2020
Michigan State AFL-CIO:
33 candidates supported by the Michigan AFL-CIO won in yesterday’s primaries.
— Michigan AFL-CIO 😷 (@MIAFLCIO) August 5, 2020
Congrats to all! pic.twitter.com/dWI6s4R3dj
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
As heard on TV: Twins audio guy spills secrets of sound in an empty ballpark https://t.co/tayXAR3j5i A fun piece on @iatse745 President Chris Tveitbakk, who is doing some innovative work at Target Field this season. #1u @iatse745 pic.twitter.com/hsEfUf5stR
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) August 11, 2020
Missouri AFL-CIO:
🗳️ @nicolergalloway is putting the the work to be our next Governor. Can you take an hour out of your day to help her? Pick something that works for you here: https://t.co/LbWHxs875g pic.twitter.com/V5uaNbj3QD
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) August 11, 2020
Nevada State AFL-CIO:
Nevada is the hardest hit state due to COVID-19. Many of our brothers & sisters are out of work & depend on #ExtendUI. 589,438 initial claims filed since March, & the total for 2020 has hit 611,090 in Nevada.
— Nevada State AFL-CIO (@NVAFLCIO) July 31, 2020
June, our total workforce = Only 1.5M Peoplehttps://t.co/Nc6IKGNRuL https://t.co/ZIEHVBL5Ja pic.twitter.com/V77S3QYPfh
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union is stepping in where the government has failed, running its own coronavirus contact-tracing program for 1.3 million members https://t.co/i9rvXfBFRu via @bpolitics
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
New York State AFL-CIO:
Peter Ward has been a powerful #UnionStrong force for workers in NY and beyond. We wish him the best in retirement and thank him for his innovative ideas and strategic vision that has led to a better life for his members and a model for others. @NYHTC https://t.co/po1X96NgUp
— NYSAFLCIO (@NYSAFLCIO) August 12, 2020
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
Dear @SenThomTillis, #DoYourJob and pass the #HEROESAct now! #1u #ncpol #HEROESActNOW #Charlotte pic.twitter.com/zdGNSrciKV
— NC State AFL-CIO (@NCStateAFLCIO) August 6, 2020
We think millions of women, especially women of color, are waiting for the day where they're the "safe" pick. We can't over-hype the significance & achievement of @KamalaHarris as a VP candidate. We'll continue to fight for the day when women running for office are the safe pick https://t.co/Hh15vwGkUN
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) August 11, 2020
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
The OKC CLUW Chapter - 2020 Union T-Shirt Quilt Fundraiser is here!
— Oklahoma AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) August 4, 2020
Ticket Prices:
1- $1
6 - $5
12 - $10
Make checks payable to CLUW and mail to:
3400 SW Ave OKC, OK 73109
The drawing will be held at the end of the OK AFL-CIO COPE Convention.
More info, Call: 405-634-4030 pic.twitter.com/ZNSJwOTOos
Oregon AFL-CIO:
Nationwide, working people are struggling to afford everyday essentials needed to survive the unprecedented economic devastation caused by the pandemic.
— Oregon AFL-CIO (@OregonAFLCIO) August 11, 2020
☎️ Call 866-832-1560 to tell the Senate take #FastAction to #Savethe600https://t.co/SgIZoidgSB
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
"There’s pride in the job. DeJoy’s decision to try and ruin that by forcing carriers to leave mail and essentially turn their backs on the duties of the position is what is causing the most internal confusion." @APWUnational @NALC_National https://t.co/IZ1GuXW78X
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) August 12, 2020
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
An updated Union Directory listing union goods and services in R.I. can be found on our website at https://t.co/1ertVltmLk under the "Resources" tab.
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) August 4, 2020
Please use this directory to find where you can buy union and use services in RI.
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
Construction sites are emerging as another hot spot for COVID clusters.https://t.co/57JB9GonPM
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) August 12, 2020
Texas AFL-CIO:
Via @unitehere23 - HAPPENING NOW - Unemployed workers lined up for food at the office of Senator @JohnCornyn #savethe600 #FastAction #1u pic.twitter.com/ygBxwRYS5s
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) August 11, 2020
Virginia AFL-CIO:
📞Hotline time ☎️📱 — have you called ? pic.twitter.com/agsppYX24C
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) August 4, 2020
Washington State Labor Council:
The WSLC is proud to offer this critically important service. Thank you—and congratulations—to our Union, Community & Naturalization Organizer Dulce Gutiérrez for all of her hard work making this happen! #ImmigrantsMakeAmericaGreat #Citizenship #1u https://t.co/9lAZ5JBthc
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) August 6, 2020
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
Join our worker-powered efforts to get frontline workers virus protection at https://t.co/frvizpINzV pic.twitter.com/IZG0IgMQwe
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) August 12, 2020