Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here's a look at the broad range of activities we're engaged in this week.
Actors' Equity:
ICYMI - We asked Equity members who have personal experience with COVID-19 to share their story living with the disease. Hear from member @bstokesmitchell and Equity Eastern Region Principal Councilor Allyson Tucker about how the disease affected their family. pic.twitter.com/YzoV5cqJHc
— Actors' Equity (@ActorsEquity) August 19, 2020
Union women know how important it is to vote—we vote on Election Day and in our unions, too. #100YearsOfVoting https://t.co/hxEJV35hkD
— AFGE (@AFGENational) August 18, 2020
Participating in the #2020census helps determine how many resources our kids’ schools can afford — things like books, computers, facility management & upkeep. We all want children to be able to learn & grow in a safe, clean environment. https://t.co/NH7hA8LWm9 pic.twitter.com/zMelGdCBQy
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) August 18, 2020
Air Line Pilots Association:
ALPA Pilots: This Fight Is Personal—It’s Time to Speak Up!
— ALPA (@WeAreALPA) August 17, 2020
Take action in our latest social media campaign: https://t.co/j8jPmrsHwW pic.twitter.com/lh8OrKGJB9
Alliance for Retired Americans:
ICYMI: Older voters in Minnesota won't have to worry about having to risk their health in order to make sure their ballot is counted. Republicans dropped their appeal to our voting rights lawsuit! https://t.co/NM3tgkIKjp pic.twitter.com/thw1Vfbtkb
— Alliance Retirees (@ActiveRetirees) August 18, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union:
This is why all public transit riders should be required to wear masks. https://t.co/XRtIvFX01J
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) August 18, 2020
American Federation of Musicians:
A program designed to promote music and those who make should not be taking the path of least cost and minimizing the very people and industry it promotes. #musicians #TheVoice https://t.co/mntZanvDLF
— AFM (@The_AFM) August 14, 2020
American Federation of Teachers:
"So many classrooms are quiet right now. The playgrounds are still. But if you listen closely, you can hear the sparks of change in the air." — @DrBiden #DemConvention #AFTvotes pic.twitter.com/5l0188jzp5
— AFT (@AFTunion) August 19, 2020
American Postal Workers Union:
The @usmailnot4sale campaign has a page of resources for members of the public who want to help #SaveThePostOffice https://t.co/yKtAW959gT
— APWU National (@APWUnational) August 13, 2020
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) August 6, 2020
The National Executive Board of APALA voted to adopt a resolution to stand in solidarity with the @Mvmnt4BlkLives and their demands for defunding the police and investing in Black communities #BLM pic.twitter.com/jgPG2khHab
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
The PSP is the best way to protect our jobs, keep our airlines intact, continue serving all of our communities, and have the ability to recover once the virus is contained. #ReliefNow #ExtendPSP
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) August 18, 2020
SENATE: 888-848-4824
HOUSE: 888-907-9365 https://t.co/CkgYK2mUh6
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
The threat to our public Postal Service is too great for anyone to sit on the sidelines right now.#SaveTheUSPS https://t.co/KqiNie3Gvx
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) August 15, 2020
Spread the word for our sisters and brothers at @TSSAunion and all affected. #UnionStrong https://t.co/kUj7OG1Kiz
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) August 17, 2020
✊ Solidarity with BAC Local 4 Southern California in their persistent action against 🐀 Amalfi 🐀 in Los Angeles. #NoScabs #Scabby pic.twitter.com/umE59Xzsk6
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) August 16, 2020
California School Employees Association:
This is just one example of how school staff can and should be utilized to provide one-on-one attention for students during distance learning. Classified staff are #EssentialWorkers now more than ever. https://t.co/hdWPWP1sb6
— CSEA (@CSEA_Now) August 16, 2020
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
Today, we commemorate the work of Luisa Capatillo. She launched herself as a labor leader and organizer at an agriculture workers' strike (1905) in Puerto Rico. In 1912, Capatillo was also known as the first Puerto Rican woman to wear pants in the streets of Havana. pic.twitter.com/jm9XnZZtps
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) August 19, 2020
Communications Workers of America:
We stand with @ucwcolorado demanding safety and transparency at @CUSystem @CUBoulder to make this a safe semester. https://t.co/jLpTlRuxUu
— CWA (@CWAUnion) August 17, 2020
Department for Professional Employees:
This is what happens when we come together and support each other. #SaveThePostOffice https://t.co/8FwosEbkkp
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) August 18, 2020
Electrical Workers:
Too often anti-worker politicians want to eliminate everything we worked for. They think we won't notice. The best way to hold these politicians
— IBEW (@IBEW) August 19, 2020
accountable is to vote. Register and Vote: https://t.co/kgn5QaaJLP #IBEWVotes2020
Fire Fighters:
How #firefighters stay cool while fighting fires an extreme heathttps://t.co/BRADyav7bS
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) August 19, 2020
Heat and Frost Insulators:
"Being an insulator has changed my life for the better. It has become something that I will never regret, and I love it." To hear more about what Natalie and others have to say, watch this video: https://t.co/OAo1IvGmvO
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) August 19, 2020
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
Multinational corporations spending money on smear campaigns rather than paying their workers? Shocking. https://t.co/p1cAfnuCqA
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) August 17, 2020
International Labor Communications Association:
Here comes another week of online meetings. Since they're inevitable, you want to put your best electronic face forward. #1u #MondayMotivaton https://t.co/JURUZCAGWo
— Labor Communications (@ILCAonline) August 10, 2020
Total of 17.3 direct jobs are created per megawatts of generation over 25-year lifetime of an offshore project. #offshorewindhttps://t.co/xr1wkwKhQI
— Ironworkers. (@TheIronworkers) August 17, 2020
Jobs With Justice:
“They are threatening us to scare drivers and make us feel less empowered."@Uber + @lyft are both billion-dollar tech giants, but when it comes to following the law and giving drivers healthcare, they are petulant little babies 👶👶 https://t.co/Oz9xLWNbCQ
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) August 19, 2020
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
Voting elevates our voices and ensures the advancement of our families and communities! Will you vote? Comment below, tell us why voting is important to you! #100YearsOfVoting #Trabajadoras@AFLCIO pic.twitter.com/fb0fSihjD3
— LCLAA (@LCLAA) August 18, 2020
No, You’re Not Imagining Things. Mailboxes Are Actually Being Ripped From The Ground. #SaveTheUSPSNOW https://t.co/UlDfxcNfOb
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) August 17, 2020
Meet Colby Douglas,21, Special Olympics Golf Medal Winner in swimming, who spent 136 days in hospital battling COVID-19. Colby is part of the ILA Family.His father, George Douglas is a member of ILA Local 1804-1. https://t.co/EuJZcHsm0w
— Int'l LongshoreAssoc (@ILAUnion) August 17, 2020
It’s National #AviationDay and airline workers are facing the worst crisis in the industry’s history. Thousands could be furloughed on October 1.
— Machinists Union ✈️🚊🚀 (@MachinistsUnion) August 19, 2020
Tell your Senators to support a clean extension of the airline #PayrollSupportProgram: https://t.co/h3WVjeb4TU pic.twitter.com/uS3na3Yl93
Metal Trades Department:
The Federal Agency designed to protect workers is trying to destroy unions and weaken labor rights - NationofChange https://t.co/jzgfReXsf5
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) August 13, 2020
Mine Workers:
.@CecilRoberts makes an impassioned plea to #SaveTheUSPS! Call your member of Congress and Senators and tell them #USMailNotForSale #1u https://t.co/L7VIGKzXQx
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) August 18, 2020
Musical Artists:
From @OPERAAmerica: How do you craft an administrative resume that draws upon your experience as a performing artist? Learn how to adapt your resume to highlight your strengths and skills in an administrative setting. Link in below for more info: https://t.co/jb7AckDHzf pic.twitter.com/QIbpepe5p6
— AGMA (@AGMusicalArtist) August 14, 2020
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
You’ll see some familiar faces of leaders across our Union in a video that was aired as part of EAA’s virtual Spirit of Aviation Week last month. Their voices are the voices that guide members of the flying public home safely 365 days a year. https://t.co/r1R22u4qbX
— NATCA (@NATCA) August 17, 2020
National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA:
COVID-19 Return to Work Safety Protocols #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/eDbkm2vu4X
— NABET-CWA (@NABETCWA) August 17, 2020
National Association of Letter Carriers:
#HeroesDelivering for America! In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Postal Service is providing an essential service, and letter carriers are delivering critical goods to those in need. pic.twitter.com/WpT2vW3cSa
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) August 18, 2020
National Day Laborer Organizing Network:
#HappeningNow! Caravan of excluded workers in Long Island demand @NYGovCuomo and the #LongIslandSix lead equitably and end the exclusion of NY’s immigrant workers! Will @KevinThomasNY @ToddKaminsky get behind the bill to #FundExcludedWorkers?? #YNosotrosQue pic.twitter.com/hPQf5JGCUR
— NDLON (@NDLON) August 19, 2020
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
“My eyes were watery, my face was covered in ash.” — Rosa, a California house cleaner who was on the frontlines of the Getty fire recovery efforts without PPE or health care protections.
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) August 18, 2020
She wants to pass #SB1257 and ensure workplace safety for all! https://t.co/6uYYGFCxxq
National Nurses United:
A message from @AFLCIO President Richard Trumka to RNs at Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC as they begin to vote to form a union in the midst of #COVID19:
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) August 19, 2020
"Unions are meant for moments just like this one. Nothing is stronger than solidarity." #1u pic.twitter.com/dNHHqhG8nq
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
🚖 ✊🏾🚖 ✊🏾 https://t.co/K9NncwMXnZ
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) August 18, 2020
NFL Players Association:
#AthleteAnd Advocates – The time is now. Register to vote. Make your voice heard.
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) August 17, 2020
Players: you can check if you're registered and get access to your state's voting info here: https://t.co/LrVnWVyc5O https://t.co/EEkfuDUEoC
North America's Building Trades Unions:
Hear directly from #BuildingTrades members about why joining a union can change your LIFE.
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) August 18, 2020
(via @NYCBldgTrades)
Full Video: https://t.co/rrH9J1acNt pic.twitter.com/rmwwi3AUVb
Office and Professional Employees:
We owe it to those who came before us & those who'll come after us to not only exercise our hard-fought right to vote—but to take seriously the duty to vote for candidates who defend the rights of those whose livelihoods & liberties are being trampled on.#100YearsOfVoting
— OPEIU (@OPEIU) August 18, 2020
Painters and Allied Trades:
Senator @KamalaHarris has a 100% lifetime @AFLCIO voting scorecard.
— IUPAT (@GoIUPAT) August 12, 2020
Our union is working hard to defeat the lifelong union buster in the White House and is excited to get her and @JoeBiden elected in November.
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
“The right to collective bargaining is key to solving the crisis of economic inequality. ... The importance of unions has been even further heightened by both the COVID-19 pandemic and the national protests around racial justice.” @EconomicPolicy https://t.co/OreBmWjVMO
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) August 19, 2020
Congress has failed to deliver ANY relief to millions of immigrant workers who’ve been on the front lines but thus far excluded from government support. The House took action. @SenMajLdr, when will the Senate? #FundExcludedWorkers
— Pride at Work (@PrideatWork) July 16, 2020
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
It's National Aviation Day! PASS members at FAA & DoD know aviation is more than airplanes/airports. Equipment, radar, certification, mapping & more! Our members protect world's largest, safest, most complex air traffic control system. #NationalAviationDay #publicservice pic.twitter.com/N8FGWwAali
— PASS (@PASSNational) August 19, 2020
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
Essential workers - mostly Black and Latinx - are still not protected from #COVID19. As cases are rising to new heights across the country, New York must #ProtectNYHeroes and prevent a second wave.
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) August 19, 2020
Tell your state legislators to #ProtectNYHeroes: https://t.co/lmU4GGrNy9 pic.twitter.com/jxVBeIBlb9
A Conversation with U.S. Representative @RepJudyChu (D-CA) (Replay)https://t.co/XSv2KWg3Wl
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) August 13, 2020
Solidarity Center:
483 aid workers were killed, kidnapped or wounded in 2019, the highest number since 1997. Health workers made up more than 40% of the fatalities—higher than any previous year recorded.https://t.co/0m7be6Oi4V
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) August 18, 2020
Congress must act to #SaveTransit. Without $32 billion in emergency funding, our transit systems could face irreversible harm, the consequences of which will impact working families, essential employees & our economy.https://t.co/QenXyQaLqa pic.twitter.com/IedZkWvgA3
— Transportation Communications Union/IAM (@TCUnionHQ) August 11, 2020
The NewsGuild-CWA:
Hedge fund owners are systematically destroying #localnews—this can't stand. We need Federal support to protect newsrooms and jobs. Write your senators to help #SaveTheNews. https://t.co/xWtqIb7Q17
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) August 18, 2020
Theatrical Stage Employees:
IATSE Local 600 Southern Young Workers were in attendance at the Stone Mountain protests Saturday to take a stand against racism. #UnionProud #UnionStrong pic.twitter.com/FpDje3PZVw
— IATSE (@IATSE) August 18, 2020
Transport Workers Union:
This year – more than ever – we must support our aviation workers on the frontlines of #COVID19 Please send a letter to Congress today, urging them to renew the #CARESAct and pass a clean extension of the #PSP thru 3/31/21 #NationalAviationDayhttps://t.co/AxAUELYotR pic.twitter.com/lCfmSC9xVI
— TWU (@transportworker) August 19, 2020
Transportation Trades Department:
Although achieving women’s suffrage in 1920 was a major victory, it was another 45 years before the Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated voting barriers for women of color. #100YearsOfVoting https://t.co/FUfqVBhPcq pic.twitter.com/MwoZLo1Tp7
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) August 18, 2020
“We have to help our members, their families and our friends understand what the candidates stand for and how they will help UAW members, working Americans and their families. That has always been a strong part of the UAW’s mission." https://t.co/1csH95ItuH
— UAW (@UAW) August 19, 2020
Union Label and Service Trades Department:
Uber, Lyft Must Convert Drivers Into Employees, Judge Rules - Bloomberg https://t.co/3cksjxixch
— Union Label Dept. (@ULSTD_AFLCIO) August 11, 2020
Union Veterans Council:
Vets Pay Price as Attacks Mount on the USPS.
— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) August 17, 2020
Veterans have fought to preserve democracy and freedom -- the postal service and our voting rights are key parts of this.#SaveThePostOffice #PostalService @APWUnational @NALC_National
One of our country’s most vital public services — the @USPS — is under attack. What do we do, fight back!
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) August 19, 2020
We need the Senate to act now and pass the HEROES Act. Tell your Senator: https://t.co/7MD99b7VTa #TakeBack2020.
United Food and Commercial Workers:
America's governors can save over 40,000 lives with strong mask mandates in all 50 states. @UFCW stands with @JoeBiden in calling for action to protect all American workers on frontlines of #COVID19.
— UFCW (@UFCW) August 13, 2020
New @Marc_Perrone statement: https://t.co/B7R9M0xIDppic.twitter.com/FFdZOXnpUT
United Steelworkers:
Dying Young: The Health Care Workers in Their 20s Killed by COVID-19 https://t.co/5tt8VNePHM via @khnews
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) August 19, 2020
United Students Against Sweatshops:
USAS alum: We need YOUR support! With campus reopenings putting students and workers at risk, we need a strong student movement to fight back. Donate now to help USAS train the next generation of labor movement leaders at our Virtual Summer Conference: https://t.co/KjFizOVl4D
— USAS (@USAS) August 14, 2020
United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers:
This year's National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction is being held Sept. 14-18! Visit https://t.co/Gg9Pj5HIDW to find resources to help you prepare. #roofersafety365 pic.twitter.com/0k8DWbpkhy
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) August 19, 2020
Utility Workers:
Wherever there is a need, utility workers can always be counted on to step up!
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) August 18, 2020
Read more by @maholley99 in the @STLLaborTribune about how members of local 455 helped local charities that benefit children in Saint Louis, Missouri: https://t.co/XoBpCDScyk
Working America:
"This has sent a lightning bolt of electricity across a base that has been watching and waiting and looking for a reason to be excited about this race."
— Working America (@WorkingAmerica) August 12, 2020
Read @WorkingAmerica Exec Director @MattMorrisonWA's full reaction to the announcement of @KamalaHarris as the Dem VP pick ⬇️ https://t.co/wzfF66iQxQ
Writers Guild of America, East:
Welcome @ChalkbeatGuild to the WGAE! https://t.co/AgaaxUZv16
— Writers Guild of America, East (@WGAEast) August 18, 2020