It's time once again to take a look at the ways working people are making progress in the states. Click on any of the links to follow the state federations on Twitter.
Alaska State AFL-CIO:
Union women know how important it is to vote—we vote on Election Day and in our unions, too. #100YearsOfVoting https://t.co/cdf2fKCfxf pic.twitter.com/0rldJ4bSw4
— Alaska AFL-CIO (@AKAFLCIO) August 18, 2020
Arizona AFL-CIO:
#SaveUSPS #usmailnotforsale #SaveThePostOfficeSaturday #saveourpostoffice https://t.co/rj6jQ1F9aB
— Arizona AFL-CIO (@ArizonaAFLCIO) August 24, 2020
California Labor Federation:
Having a #union on the job can be life-changing. It's still the surest path to economic security that exists. Precisely why the future must be #UnionStrong https://t.co/lmxHKH3BLZ
— California Labor Federation (@CaliforniaLabor) August 25, 2020
Connecticut AFL-CIO:
Postal workers & mail carriers are rallying outside the Bishops Corner Post Office this morning to #SaveThePostOffice! @AFLCIO #1u pic.twitter.com/hZJg0UeX0c
— Connecticut AFL-CIO (@ConnAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
Florida AFL-CIO:
The United States Postal Service is one of America’s most trusted institutions. Union leaders are calling for funding for this vital service.https://t.co/DK3VhyYLC6
— Florida AFL-CIO (@FLAFLCIO) August 24, 2020
Georgia State AFL-CIO:
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ida B. Wells, Susan B. Anthony, Alice Paul, Lucy Stone, Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin, Mabel Ping-Hua Lee, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Maria W. Stewart. Let’s honor their work and make sure our voices are heard this November! #100YearsOfVoting pic.twitter.com/QLelPx5rQE
— Georgia AFL-CIO (@AFLCIOGeorgia) August 18, 2020
Indiana State AFL-CIO:
The USPS is one of America’s greatest institutions. It connects people across the country—urban, suburban, rural.
— Indiana AFL-CIO (@INAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
It’s a beloved & effective agency because of dedicated public servants who work for it. These are quality jobs that support working families. #SaveThePostOffice pic.twitter.com/J5S9pcLKkC
Iowa Federation of Labor:
Our #SaveThePostOffice Day of Action demands:
— Iowa AFL-CIO (@IowaAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
$25B in relief funding 💰
Reverse service cuts ⛔ ✂
Proper staffing for full delivery 📬
Join us! https://t.co/4a07R0DaBq
Kentucky State AFL-CIO:
“TARC workers protest, demand hazard pay
— Kentucky AFL-CIO (@aflcioky) August 14, 2020
A group, including US Senate candidate @AmyMcGrathky, held a protest at TARC headquarters Thursday.”https://t.co/m2q2SgUFaN
Maine AFL-CIO:
Fortunately, @SaraGideon will vote to repeal @SenatorCollins' disastrous mandate that is bankrupting the Postal Service. #mepolitics #RetireCollins #VoteGideon #SaveTheUSPS pic.twitter.com/OrAH7WSZG1
— Maine AFL-CIO (@MEAFLCIO) August 18, 2020
Massachusetts AFL-CIO:
We stand with @massteacher @AFTMass educators all across state to reopen #OnlyWhenItsSafe. pic.twitter.com/zUQwjET4Mc
— Massachusetts AFL-CIO (@massaflcio) August 19, 2020
Michigan State AFL-CIO:
— Michigan AFL-CIO 😷 (@MIAFLCIO) August 20, 2020
Minnesota AFL-CIO:
70 Days until Election Day, 24 Days until early voting begins in Minnesota. Learn how to vote early by mail at https://t.co/RNagT5Xy1s #1u #Labor2020 #MNVotes pic.twitter.com/rG1uAI34kx
— Minnesota AFL-CIO (@MNAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
Missouri AFL-CIO:
🇺🇸 @nicolergalloway has released her first TV commercial today. We need a Governor that shows urgency to fight back against the coronavirus. Nicole will be that Governor. Governor Parson has proved he is not up to the task. https://t.co/saj4jOt6Gi
— Missouri AFL-CIO (@MOAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
Montana State AFL-CIO:
Educators back Melissa Romano for Superintendent of Public Instruction: "She will advocate for our public schools to ensure the Montana Constitutional requirement that every child has access to a quality public education."https://t.co/MY8RzwctmI #mtpol
— Montana AFL-CIO (@MTaflcio) August 25, 2020
Nevada State AFL-CIO:
🚨We're sounding the alarm! @APWUnational needs your help #SaveTheUSPS, demand Congress #FundTheUSPS. https://t.co/zUoavRWPSq
— Nevada State AFL-CIO (@NVAFLCIO) August 19, 2020
New Jersey State AFL-CIO:
The New Jersey State AFL-CIO urges all members to know the facts about a VBM election. https://t.co/GVDRY45EOy
— New Jersey AFL-CIO (@NJAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
New Mexico Federation of Labor:
Union women know how important it is to vote—we vote on Election Day and in our unions, too. #100YearsOfVoting https://t.co/69iH8oA4j9 @NMDEMS @AFLCIO
— NMFL (@NMFLaflcio) August 18, 2020
New York State AFL-CIO:
Listen to the full episode at https://t.co/DegEqE5Bv9
— NYSAFLCIO (@NYSAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
North Carolina State AFL-CIO:
"What workers need are presidential leadership and the passage of the #HEROESAct.” @marybemcmillan on President Trump’s Food Line Photo Op in Mills River https://t.co/uWpRvYBTIv via @ncstateaflcio #RNCConvention2020 #ncpol #1u
— NC State AFL-CIO (@NCStateAFLCIO) August 24, 2020
Thanks @KingJames for speaking up for your fellow #Union Sisters, Brothers and all your siblings working hard to keep Akron moving. https://t.co/vmBQVZiDiz
— Ohio AFL-CIO (@ohioaflcio) August 23, 2020
Oklahoma State AFL-CIO:
Today marks the 100 year anniversary of Women's Right to Vote!
— Oklahoma AFL-CIO (@OK_AFL_CIO) August 18, 2020
One of our own, Cassandra Hammond from LiUNA 107, will be speaking in a Roundtable to celebrate Women's Right to Vote and discuss working women's issues.
Tonight at 5:30pm https://t.co/iFchL8vIHx
Oregon AFL-CIO:
The Oregon Cares Fund provides cash grants to Black individuals, Black-owned businesses, and Black-led non-profit organizations who have experienced financial adversity due to COVID-19. Read more here: https://t.co/CX3DDroDeX
— Oregon AFL-CIO (@OregonAFLCIO) August 24, 2020
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO:
We must vote, and do it early. Our sisters and brothers of the #USPS are doing their part to protect your vote. Make yourself heard and VOTE EARLY. #VoteByMail #DemConvention2020
— PA AFL-CIO (@PaAFL_CIO) August 21, 2020
Rhode Island AFL-CIO:
#1U #APWU @aflcio #USPS #USPSisEssential https://t.co/b4z3greHL7
— Rhode Island AFL-CIO (@riaflcio) August 25, 2020
Tennessee AFL-CIO Labor Council:
Done quietly at the end of last week, this will have chilling effects on Tennesseans' First Amendment AND voting rights. A cruel and unnecessary piece of legislation signed by a governor who isn't even willing to meet with his constituents.https://t.co/S5Zrc94KlV
— Tennessee AFL-CIO (@tnaflcio) August 24, 2020
Texas AFL-CIO:
The City of Houston should not use irresponsible contractors on their public projects. @houmayor @AirportsHouston @houstonzoo #ExploitationFreeZones
— Texas AFL-CIO (@TexasAFLCIO) August 25, 2020
Virginia AFL-CIO:
Currently: Delegates are learning about voter registration in Virginia and becoming certified to register members to vote. Thanks @vaELECT ! We are learning so much! pic.twitter.com/RAiQqpILe7
— Virginia AFL-CIO (@Virginia_AFLCIO) August 21, 2020
Washington State Labor Council:
When the so-called "Freedom Foundation" isn't busy attacking unions and advocating for lower wages, they are undermining public health during a pandemic. This garbage jeopardizes lives! Despicable.
— Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO (@WAAFLCIO) August 21, 2020
Stay masked up, Washington, so we can open up! 😷👍 https://t.co/mgYXdfUhf2
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO:
Candlelight vigil remembers Wisconsinites lost to COVID-19 https://t.co/tyztYFQ8Fc
— WI AFL-CIO (@wisaflcio) August 24, 2020