This year, for Black History Month, we're taking a look at a group of leaders who are currently active making Black history across the labor movement. Check back daily for a new profile and meet some of the people working to improve not only the conditions for working people in our community, but also across the country. Today's profile is Rayneese Primrose.
In August 2020, artist Rayneese Primrose, a member of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 764, discovered that her Lady Liberty artwork was selected by the Rockefeller Center as part of the Flag Project, in which artists designed flags that fly high from the iconic flagpoles surrounding the Rink at Rockefeller Center. Inspired by the Statue of Liberty and influenced by Maya Angelou’s poem "Still I Rise," Primrose said she reimagined the Statue of Liberty as a symbol that truly represents everyone.