
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Scholastic Union (TNG-CWA) Walks Out Over Wages

Members of the Scholastic Union rally for a fair contract.

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we'll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Union workers at Scholastic staged a one-day work stoppage on Nov. 1 following the publisher's rejection of Scholastic Union's proposal for annual raises. The workers held a picket outside Scholastic's corporate headquarters in Soho, New York. The union members are represented by the NewsGuild of New York and have been without a contract since May 2022, when the previous contract expired. The workers staged a "lunch out" on June 12 over the same grievances, which start with the fact that the workers have not received a wage increase since 2021.

“My voice is still hoarse from chanting,” said Alexandra Lim-Chua Wee, a union member and senior associate editor at Scholastic. “We walked out today because we want to stick to our demands. The desired outcome today is that we get a fair contract with fair wages that really reflect the work that our members have been doing over the past few years.”