
Pride Month Profiles: Art Franco

Art Franco

For Pride Month this year, the AFL-CIO is spotlighting various LGBTQ+ union members who have worked and continue to work at the intersection of civil and labor rights in the United States. Today's profile is Art Franco of UAW.

Art Franco is a first generation American of Cuban descent. He has represented LGBTQ+ members of UAW Local 788, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and UAW Region 8. Franco volunteered for the Osceola Housing Crisis Workshop with the Salvation Army. He also volunteers with his central labor council's citizenship clinic, helping community members become U.S. citizens. He has held leadership roles in Local 788, Region 8 and the Florida Community Action Program. He currently serves as vice chair of the bargaining committee for his local, delegate to the central labor council and trustee on the executive board. Franco works at Lockheed Martin as an inspector in quality assurance.