
Pride Month Profiles: Kiara "Kiki" O’Bryant

Kiara "Kiki" O’Bryant

For Pride Month this year, the AFL-CIO is spotlighting various LGBTQ+ union members who have worked and continue to work at the intersection of civil and labor rights in the United States. Today's profile is Kiara "Kiki" O’Bryant of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA).

Kiara "Kiki" O’Bryant has been a flight attendant at Alaska Airlines for more than 12 years, and after flying for five years, she decided to become more active in her union, AFA-CWA. In her time serving within AFA-CWA Alaska's leadership, she has advocated on Capitol Hill for a minimum of 10 hours for flight attendants and for the renewal of the FAA Reauthorization Bill. She also has served as Fatigue Review Board alternate, Grievance Payroll representative and Uniform Committee chair.