
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Newark Teachers Union Reaches Tentative Agreement with School District

Newark Teachers Union

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

The Newark Teachers Union (NTU)—an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT)—and the district announced a tentative agreement on Friday that would increase the starting salary and give educators a 4.5% raise for each of its five years.

The five-year agreement would give educators raises averaging 22.5% over the life of the contract and a $3,000 increase in the starting salary for teachers (raising it to $65,000 per year) in order to help combat understaffing and attract new, talented staff members. Additionally, the contract would empower teachers to select and design curriculum within their subject areas, putting their expertise in the drivers’ seat and ultimately helping students. The bargaining unit includes teachers, classroom aides, guidance counselors and other roles such as psychologists and reading specialists.

“We felt the best way to get a contract that helps Newark students succeed and thrive would be to be partners, not combatants,” NTU President John M. Abeigon said. “What makes this contract transformational and a model for other districts is that teachers will have a genuine voice in all aspects of Newark education, including having seats on committees that deal with instruction issues and district operations.”