
Service & Solidarity Spotlight: AFSCME Members Who Save Student’s Life Honored with Service Award

AFSCME Members Who Save Student’s Life Honored with Service Award

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our Service & Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Jushawn Rucker (left) and David DiPasquale (right), who are members of AFSCME Local 2419 (New York Council 66), have been awarded the union’s Never Quit Service Award for their heroism when a junior varsity basketball player collapsed during a game.

The award recognizes AFSCME members who go above and beyond to make their communities better. A perfect example of this unwavering commitment to public service is when Rucker—a school security officer—and DiPasquale—an athletic trainer—sprang into action last year at one of the schools in the Rochester City School District in western New York. The workers had been alerted that a student was having a medical emergency in the gym and they immediately came to his aid, performing CPR and calling for an automated external defibrillator (AED). By the time the paramedics arrived, the student was starting to show signs of revival and was taken to a hospital where he made a full recovery. Rucker’s and DiPasquale's quick thinking, CPR training and leadership instincts undoubtedly helped prevent the injury from becoming a tragedy. They are another powerful example of the everyday heroics of public service workers across the country.