Convention Resolution

Resolution 50: Preserving Labor History and National Park Status for Pullman

Submitted by the Chicago Federation of Labor and the Illinois AFL-CIO

Referred to the Executive Council

WHEREAS, AMERICAN LABOR HISTORY is the story of America in every aspect of our nation because it is about each and every one of us individually and collectively and this incredible and moving story is that of workers struggling against great odds to win their rights and establish unions to better conditions and protect them; and

Whereas, legislation has been introduced in Congress to create a National Park in Chicago, Illinois, to recognize the significance of the Pullman community and the historical significance through its representation of work, labor, industry, race, immigration and nation building; and

Whereas, Pullman is closely linked to the proud history of the American labor movement and so many other events of national significance and geographically close to the site of Haymarket and the Martyr’s Monument and the basis for the founding of International Labor Day, the Chicago Stockyards, America’s first labor union for black workers—the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Jane Adams Hull House, the Cherry Mine Disaster, the Memorial Day Massacre, Mother Jones’ and John L. Lewis’ burial places and the home of the greatest number of local “number one” unions; and

Whereas, organizations including the Illinois Labor History Society, the Illinois AFL-CIO and the Chicago Federation of Labor dedicate themselves to educating union members, young people and the general public about the meaning of these significant events; therefore,

Be it resolved, that this convention of the AFL-CIO goes on record supporting the volunteer efforts of the Illinois Labor History Society and commends its numerous activities to “tell the workers’ story,” and,

Be it further resolved, that this convention joins the Illinois AFL-CIO and the Chicago Federation of Labor in asking local unions and union members to join this active society and to further efforts to achieve National Park status for Pullman; and

Be it Finally Resolved that this convention goes on record supporting all efforts across these United States to tell the rich and inspiring story of Labor History and to share those with as wide an audience as possible.