Legislative Alert

Letter Calling for JetBlue to Pledge Neutrality in Worker Unionization Process

Dear Representative:

I am writing today on behalf of the 60 affiliated unions of the AFL-CIO to ask that you join your colleagues in signing on to a letter in support of the workers at JetBlue Airlines, who are attempting to exercise their right under the Railway Labor Act (RLA) to form a union. The letter, which is led by Representatives Grace Meng, Andrew Gabarino, Donald Norcross, Mark Pocan, Debbie Dingell and Steven Horsford, urges the CEO of JetBlue to adopt a neutrality agreement pledging not to interfere with the workers’ freedom to vote for union representation.

It is unlawful under the RLA for an employer to interfere with or coerce employees in the exercise of their right to seek union recognition. Unfortunately, JetBlue management is using pressure tactics and intimidation to aggressively oppose its employees’ efforts to unionize.

When big corporations resort to threats and coercion in the midst of a union representation election, we believe it is incumbent upon our elected representatives to condemn the use of these anti-union tactics. For this reason, I urge you to join your colleagues in signing the letter to JetBlue urging them to end their pre-election activities aimed at stifling their employees' freedom to choose whether to seek union representation.

The deadline to sign onto this letter is Tuesday, April 16. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Tommy Wolfe with the Labor Caucus ([email protected]), Tom Dinegar with Rep. Meng ([email protected]) or Niko Keddy with Rep. Garbarino ([email protected]).

William Samuel
Director, Government Affairs