Legislative Alert

Letter Opposing Legislation that Would Create Unnecessary Barriers to Voter Participation

Dear Representative:

On behalf of the 12.5 million workers and 60 affiliate unions represented by the AFL-CIO, I write to express our strong opposition to H.R. 8281, the “Secure America’s Voters and Elections (SAVE) Act.” This bill mandates proof of citizenship documentation to register to vote, despite current federal laws already prohibiting noncitizens from voting in federal elections. Our current electoral system effectively ensures that only eligible voters participate, with no evidence of widespread fraud found in numerous recounts and investigations.

The SAVE Act creates unnecessary barriers to voter participation, especially for marginalized communities who may struggle to obtain such documentation. It limits acceptable IDs to passports, excluding others like REAL ID driver's licenses and military IDs unless coupled with additional documentation such as a birth certificate. This places an extreme burden on many Americans, including military personnel, Native Americans, those who have changed their names (particularly women), the elderly, the young, the poor, and naturalized citizens.

The bill introduces criminal penalties for election officials who register voters without documented proof of citizenship, risking fear and hesitation among these officials. Additionally, it mandates the already overburdened Social Security Administration to verify voter citizenship information for states without providing additional funding.

Moreover, the bill mandates that states immediately remove non-citizens from voter rolls upon receipt of proof or verified information of non-citizenship. This risks erroneously disenfranchising eligible voters due to potential administrative errors and unreliable data sources.

The use of third-party databases to verify citizenship raises concerns about data accuracy, privacy, and potential disenfranchisement. Clarifying that provisional ballots can only be counted if citizenship is verified adds further hurdles for voters facing administrative errors or documentation issues. These measures further limit the accessibility and inclusivity of our electoral process.

In short, the SAVE Act functions to deny Americans access to their democracy, not improve election integrity. Congress must safeguard free and fair elections and ensure all Americans can exercise their right to vote by opposing the SAVE Act and supporting measures that enhance voter participation, inclusivity, and the integrity of our electoral process.

Jody Calemine
Director, Government Affairs