Legislative Alert | Better Pay and Benefits

Letter to Senators in Support of the Proposed Merger of AT&T and DIRECTTV

Dear Senator:

On behalf of the 12 million members of the AFL-CIO, I am writing in support of the proposed merger of AT&T and DIRECTTV.

The AFL-CIO evaluates any proposed merger against two criteria. First, does the proposed merger serve the public interest? Second, does the proposed transaction serve the interests of the workers who will be affected by the merger? The proposed AT&T/DIRECTV merger is favorable on both counts.

For consumers, the AT&T/DIRECTV merger presents few anti-trust concerns since AT&T and DIRECTV primarily serve different markets. The combination of AT&T and DIRECTV will result in a stronger competitor to the dominant cable industry, providing consumers with more options, putting pressure on prices and improving service in the video market. Moreover, a merged AT&T/DIRECTV will provide consumers across the nation a one-stop shop for a bundled broadband/video service.

The AT&T/DIRECTV merger will also bring benefits to employees. AT&T respects the rights of its employees to make their own choice about union representation, and is now the largest full-time unionized employer in the US.

Given AT&T’s commitment to respecting the rights of its employees and the fact that a combined AT&T/DIRECTV will result in increased competition, we believe the AT&T/ DIRECTV merger will be in the best interest of both workers and consumers.


William Samuel, Director
Government Affairs Department