Legislative Alert

Letter Supporting Legislation that Will Spur a More Just Recovery

Dear Representative:

On behalf of the AFL-CIO, I urge you to support the American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 (H.R. 6), which will provide a well-earned path to citizenship to working people and help spur a more just recovery for our nation. All workers deserve rights on the job and in the community, and your support for this bill will help make important strides forward in the fight for worker justice.

Recipients of TPS (Temporary Protected Status,) DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) help to build, feed, serve, educate and care for our nation. They work in every state of the union, across a wide range of industries. They are vital members of our families, our communities and our unions who have made positive contributions to our society for decades. This bill will finally provide them permanent protections.

Our entire workforce benefits when people are able to live and work without fear. Passage of the Dream and Promise Act in 2019 was a victory for solidarity over fear, and for empowerment over vilification. Congress now has the opportunity to reaffirm that milestone vote on H.R. 6, and use it as a catalyst for broader immigration reforms that are long overdue. America’s unions continue to push for a broad path to citizenship for all the millions of people whose labor helps our country to prosper.

Passage of this bill will help to raise wages and labor standards in our country and protect the freedom of all workers to join together in a union. We ask you to support the Dream and Promise Act and reject punitive amendments that criminalize our immigrant communities and disempower workers.

William Samuel, Director
Government Affairs