Legislative Alert

Letter Supporting Nominations of Ernest Dubeser and Kurt Rumsfeld to the FLRA

The Honorable Gary Peters
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
United States Senate

Dear Senator:

The AFL-CIO urges you to vote to favorably report the nominations of Ernest Dubester to be a member, and Kurt Rumsfeld to serve as general counsel, of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). Both experienced nominees have a demonstrated commitment to public service and to the federal workforce, and will work to restore fairness and respect for the law to the FLRA.

A fully functioning FLRA is necessary for the effective and efficient administration of federal labor management relations. The FLRA facilitates federal workers’ right to form and join unions, bargain with agencies and resolve unfair labor practice complaints. A fully operational FLRA ensures that the workers providing the services relied on by the public and their unions have the protection of the law.

The past four years saw important FLRA functions curtailed and decades of precedent ignored by an anti-federal worker majority. Federal workers have endured the unilateral imposition of contracts, unwarranted restrictions on union dues and official time, and rollbacks of collective bargaining rights. The general counsel vacancy has resulted in hundreds of unfair labor practice complaints languishing without adjudication. These actions have hindered the ability of many federal workers to perform their duties in service to the public.

The nominations of Ernest Dubester and Kurt Rumsfeld present a welcome return to the stability of an FLRA majority grounded in fairness and the rule of law. Nominated by four Presidents of both political parties, Ernest Dubester has been confirmed with bipartisan support six times. He has served as an FLRA member since 2009 and twice served as Chair, most recently beginning in January, 2021. Kurt Rumsfeld previously served as Assistant General Counsel for Operations and Legal Policy and as Chief Counsel for six years. His experience is a necessary asset to address the
huge backlog of unfair labor practices and end delays that harm federal workers and their unions.

Ernest Dubester and Kurt Rumsfeld are experienced, dedicated public servants who are well qualified to serve at the Federal Labor Relations Authority. The AFL-CIO urges you to favorably report their nominations.

William Samuel
Director, Government Affairs