Legislative Alert | Civil Rights

Letter Supporting Policing Reform Legislation

Dear Representative:

The AFL-CIO urges you to vote for the Justice in Policing Act of 2021 (H.R. 1280), legislation that addresses longstanding structural racism and the need for accountability in American law enforcement.

The murder of George Floyd captured a reality throughout America’s history of violence against Black people and other people of color. It is critical at this moment that Congress take comprehensive action to change the basic rules of policing that have allowed this pattern and practice to continue.

Union members live and work in every state and every community, so when police brutality occurs, it happens in our backyards and to our families. We also represent tens of thousands of law enforcement officers who go to work every day and risk their lives to protect the public.

As such, we believe we have a special responsibility to play a leading role in making sure this time is different. Whether it’s banning chokeholds, expanding use of body cameras, ending racial profiling, demilitarizing our police forces, or ending no-knock warrants, the Justice in Policing Act has the potential to create a fairer, more equitable justice system.

While not perfect, H.R. 1280 is an important first step in taking overdue action to redesign policing to address the lack of accountability and systemic racism that continues to plague our nation. America is in pain. People of color have suffered far too long. All of us want answers for George Floyd and every other victim of police violence. This is a moment to do what is right. We urge you to vote for the Justice in Policing Act of 2021.


William Samuel
Director, Government Affairs