Executive Council Statement

A.E. Staley Mfg. Co. and UPIU Local 7837

Chicago, IL

In August, 1993, the AFL-CIO Executive Council adopted a resolution calling upon all AFL-CIO affiliates to render all appropriate assistance to the members of United Paperworkers International Union locked out by A.E. Staley Co.

This year, the UPIU members voted to reject Staley's latest contract offer.

Pepsi-Cola is one of Staley's single largest customers and therefore is effectively subsidizing Staley's attacks on its workers. In response, the UPIU and its Local 7838 have designated the weekend of August 25-27 as Action on Pepsi Weekend, and have urged trade unionists to coordinate activities during that weekend to publicize Pepsi's connection to the Staley lockout.

The AFL-CIO urges Pepsi to use its discretion to replace Staley as a supplier of corn sweetener for its soft drinks until Staley ends the lockout and signs a fair labor agreement.

The Federation renews its call for its affiliated unions to render all appropriate assistance to UPIU in this dispute and urges all affiliates and state and central labor councils to participate in the UPIU-designated Action on Pepsi Weekend during the weekend of August 25-27 and again during the Labor Day weekend.