Portland, OR

Secretary of Labor designate Alexis Herman knows and understands the concerns of working families. When she was nominated, the AFL-CIO said, "At a time when so many working men and women are struggling against declining pay and growing disrespect from corporate America, we believe Alexis' experience -- growing up in the rural South, advancing the interests of working women and minorities, and dealing with the issues of a changing workforce -- will be a tremendous asset."

In the intervening months, we have become even more impressed by Ms. Herman's commitment to a working families agenda and her superb ability to advance such an agenda. Judging from the opposition her nomination has generated, it seems others have likewise noted her abilities and commitment to working men and women and she is now under the kind of fire normally reserved for labor unions and our members.

The AFL-CIO calls for immediate hearings on the nomination of this African-American woman who will bring multiple special dimensions to her job and who will help implement the promises Vice President Gore so eloquently made to the AFL-CIO yesterday. We also ask each national and local union in the AFL-CIO to make its outrage known to the members of the United States Congress who are responsible for this delay.

It is unfair to working families to have the principal federal department responsible for worker protections to be singled out and held hostage.

It is time for Alexis Herman to be able to stand in an open forum and have her nomination considered by the United States Senate. When she has that opportunity, America's working families and their unions will be standing right beside her.