Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

Authorization for Re-Issuing National Union Charters

Chicago, IL

In recent months, several national unions have ceased their affiliation with the AFL-CIO.  These disaffiliations have impacted a number of former national union affiliates, chartered by the national AFL-CIO, who had merged with and into these unions prior to these disaffiliations.

In order to provide these former national union affiliates with the continued opportunity to participate fully in the labor movement, the President of the AFL-CIO, after consultation with the Executive Committee, is authorized to re-issue such national union charters as he deems necessary to any such union, upon their request.

It is understood that these former national unions may also wish to remain part of the national union that has recently disaffiliated, and that it will participate through them in the Change to Win coalition of unions.

National unions who are re-issued such charters will have all the rights and responsibilities of other national unions, under the Federation’s constitution and by-laws, and its policies and procedures, including the right to participate fully in the national trade and industrial departments.