There has been a dramatic concentration of banking power since the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed New Deal bank regulation. More than 43 percent of U.S. bank assets are held by just four institutions: Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase. When these institutions are paralyzed, our whole economy suffers. When banks appear on the brink of collapse, as several have repeatedly since September, government steps in. The free market rules that workers live by do not apply to these banks.

Since Congress passed financial bailout legislation in October, working people have seen our tax dollars spent in increasingly secretive ways to prop up banks that we are told are healthy, until they need an urgent bailout. In some instances, institutions that were bailed out need another lifeline soon after. The Congressional Oversight Panel, charged with overseeing the bailout, recently found that the federal government overpaid by $78 billion in acquiring bank stock.

The AFL-CIO believes government must intervene when systemically significant financial institutions are on the brink of collapse. However, government interventions must be structured to protect the public interest, and not merely rescue executives or wealthy investors. This is an issue of both fairness and our national interest. It makes no sense for the public to borrow trillions of dollars to rescue investors who can afford the losses associated with failed banks.

The most important goal of government support must be to get banks lending again by ensuring they are properly capitalized. This requires forcing banks to acknowledge their real losses. By feeding the banks public money in fits and starts, and asking little or nothing in the way of sacrifice, we are going down the path Japan took in the 1990s—a path that leads to "zombie banks" and long-term economic stagnation.

The AFL-CIO calls on the Obama administration to get fair value for any more public money put into the banks. In the case of distressed banks, this means the government will end up with a controlling share of common stock. The government should use that stake to force a cleanup of the banks’ balance sheets. The result should be banks that can either be turned over to bondholders in exchange for bondholder concessions or sold back into the public markets. We believe the debate over nationalization is delaying the inevitable bank restructuring, which is something our economy cannot afford.

A government conservatorship of the banks has been endorsed by leading economists, including Nouriel Roubini, Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman. Even Alan Greenspan has stated it will probably be necessary.

The consequences of crippled megabanks are extraordinarily serious. The resulting credit paralysis affects every segment of our economy and society and destroys jobs. We urge President Obama and his team to bring the same bold leadership to bear on this problem as they have to the problems of economic stimulus and the mortgage crisis.