The support and prayers of the 11.5 million working women and men represented by the AFL-CIO are with our Chilean sisters and brothers following the devastating earthquake that struck their country on Saturday, February 27.  The epicenter was located in Concepcion, Chile's second largest metropolitan area.  There have been well over 700 fatalities, and two million people displaced.            

We wish to express a special word of solidarity to the Chilean trade union movement during this moment of extraordinary grief and need, and especially to the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) and the Central Autonoma de Trabajadores (CAT), both affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).            

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has requested emergency support from the U.S. government and the international community, including field hospitals, power generators, water purification plants, rescue teams, medical crews, satellite telephones and temporary infrastructure for people whose homes have been destroyed.  We urge our government to provide such assistance without any requirements of repayment as soon as possible.  U.S. Secretary of State Clinton's arrival in Santiago on March 2 with a delivery of critically needed satellite communication equipment is an encouraging sign, and we hope the other necessary aid will arrive quickly.            

We also urge that all aid and reconstruction projects in Chile respect living wage standards and fundamental labor and trade union rights.