Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

Eliminating Non-Compete Agreements in the Broadcast Industry

Chicago, IL

Whereas, non-compete agreements, also known as “restrictive covenants” or “covenants not-to-compete,” prevent broadcast employees from seeking employment in their chosen profession after their employment with a radio or television station has ended; and

Whereas, non-compete agreements unfairly limit broadcast employees’ employment opportunities by artificially eliminating competition for employees’ services; and

Whereas, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, AFL-CIO, has sought through organizing and bargaining and through legislation it has sponsored in Massachusetts, Maine and Illinois to ban non-compete agreements in the broadcast industry; and

Whereas, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, AFL-CIO, will continue its legislative campaign to eliminate non-compete agreements in states throughout the nation;

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the AFL-CIO Executive Council supports and endorses legislative efforts, as well as organizing and bargaining, to eliminate non-compete agreements in the broadcast industry.