Executive Council Statement

George Kourpias

Chicago, IL

On behalf of the men and women of the unions of the AFL-CIO, the Executive Council salutes Vice President George Kourpias on his retirement as president of the International Association of Machinists and from this council. Throughout his life, he has been devoted to the highest goals of the trade union movement, and he has been a committed leader and an eloquent advocate for the cause of dignity, justice and democracy for working people and their families everywhere.

Brother Kourpias has been a leader in his union since first going to work as a young machinist in Sioux City, Iowa, in 1952, where he brought to his job the high trade union ideals and principles instilled by his family. Within a year, he was an officer of his local union, and he soon became active as an officer of his local central labor council and the Iowa State AFL-CIO. During his career, he served as an IAM district president, a Grand Lodge representative, and a national vice president. George Kourpias was elected president of the IAM in 1989, and he was elected to the AFL-CIO Executive Council in the same year. As a vice president of the federation, he has participated in all of the federation's key policymaking committees, including his service as chair of the older and retired workers committee and the international affairs committee.

Throughout his career, George Kourpias has led his union in organizing and collective bargaining, but he has always stressed the importance of the active participation by union members in their communities and in every aspect of the legislative and political process. In his union, in the federation and in his service on key state and federal advisory panels, including the national Advisory Council on Social Security, he has been a creative, strong and vigorous leader. As an innovator building and strengthening the labor movement's older and retired worker programs, and in his service as an officer of the National Council of Senior Citizens, he has also encouraged the valuable and energetic participation of retirees in support of the goals of all working families.

The Executive Council of the AFL-CIO extends its gratitude and appreciation to George Kourpias for his lifetime of distinguished service and his deeply held dedication to the American labor movement and the well-being of working families in every part of the globe.

This expression of appreciation will be perpetuated in the permanent records of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.