Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

New Alliance Membership Information System

Chicago, IL

The AFL-CIO's New Alliance program for state federations and central labor councils envisions an integrated planning system involving national unions, local unions and affiliated bodies. A critical element of this program is the goal of full participation of all local unions in the appropriate state federation and area labor federation. In order for the national AFL-CIO, its subordinate bodies, national unions and their local affiliates to engage fully in the planning process to create and maintain the New Alliance, information concerning union membership and affiliation needs to be made available, both during the transitional period as New Alliance Plans are developed and each year thereafter. The national AFL-CIO will establish the procedures, systems and policies to implement and maintain this information system and will rely on multiple sources to gather it.

  • By September 15, 2000, and no later than July 31 of each following year, the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO will provide to each national union a listing showing estimated national union membership allocated by state. This listing of estimated membership shall be calculated by using the total membership of the national union as determined by the average monthly per capita tax payments for the twelve months ending June 30 of that year, and allocating that total average membership to each state in the same proportion as the number of members in that state (as a proportion of all members) that appear on the national union's COPE mailing list.*
  • National unions may amend this state estimate no later than October 31, 2000, and September 15 of each following year. If a national union has not provided the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO with an amended listing by the deadline, then the estimated state allocation shall be deemed the official allocation of membership.
  • By September 15, 2000, and by July 31 of each following year, the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO shall also provide to each national union a listing by state of its local unions with average affiliated membership of state and area labor federations and where available for central labor councils for the twelve month period ending June 30.
  • No later than September 15 of each year, each national union shall provide the Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO with:
  • a state-by-state listing of each local union which represents members in each state
  • the name, address and telephone number of the principal officer of each local union
  • the number of members of each local union in each state listed by zip code*

    • The national AFL-CIO will establish an advisory committee of national union secretary-treasurers who will oversee the technical requirements of establishing and maintaining this information system, and who will make recommendations to the national AFL-CIO for policies and procedures to insure accuracy, minimize the demand on national unions and provide timely and updated data.

    *National unions shall have the option of providing the state-by-state distribution of membership themselves. They shall also have the option of providing the number of members in each state by area labor federation and central labor council jurisdiction, rather than zip code.