Executive Council Statement

The Oklahoma City Bombing

Washington, D.C.

We join all Americans in expressing shock, outrage and sorrow over the terrorist bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City and the murder of 166 people. This tragedy will long be remembered as one of America's darkest moments.

The heightened threat of anti-government terrorism has added to the heavy burden that government employees must carry every day at their jobs. Even before the Oklahoma City incident, death threats were directed at these workers by individuals who were venting their anger over government programs. The indications that the perpetrators of this crime may have been inspired by one or more of the self-styled "patriot" or "militia" groups now operating in many states greatly increases this concern.

Hate speech and violent actions against the government and its employees have no place in our society. We support America's democratic institutions and we stand against the militant, anti-government rhetoric that appears to have spurred the horrible tragedy at the federal building in Oklahoma City.