Executive Council Statement

Reclaim America

Bal Harbour, FL

To be fully effective, the Labor Movementts tReclaim Americat program will need the support, commitment, and active participation of all AFL-CIO unions. Our members must see this program to be their program. They must be involved in the planning and implementation of this program from the outset.

In order to ensure that all federation unions and union leaders have a full voice in determining the scope and direction of this program, as well as the resources that must be devoted to this effort, we will call a Special Convention next month in accordance with Article IV, section 3 of the AFL-CIO Constitution.

The purpose of the Special Convention will be three-fold: to inform and educate the delegates as to the nature of this program and the reasons why it is so important; to approve, through a vote of the delegates a special assessment of 15 cents per member per month, for the twelve month period beginning in May t96, in order to help subsidize the many activities that will be conducted as part of this program; and to consider the question of the Federationts endorsement of the re-election of Bill Clinton and Al Gore for President and Vice President of the United States.