Executive Council Statement

Thomas R. Donahue

Pittsburgh, PA

Throughout his distinguished career, Thomas R. Donahue dedicated his life first and foremost to the empowerment of every working man and woman through the strength and democracy of a union.

He began his service in the labor movement as an organizer for the Retail Clerks International Union in 1948, and he carried his constant belief in the power and the obligations of organizing through his years as an officer of Service Employees Local 32B, as national vice president of SEIU, in his leave to serve as an assistant secretary of labor, as George Meany's valued executive assistant, and throughout his creative, diligent and responsible term as the AFL-CIO's secretary-treasurer and as its president.

As an officer of this federation, Tom Donahue was unfaltering in his conviction that the AFL-CIO should be a source of strength and support for the labor movement to help it rise to any challenge and overcome any adversity, and that it should inspire and sustain the efforts of every union to grow and prosper as a vibrant voice for working families.

With his innovative ideas and eloquent persuasion, Tom Donahue's energy and vision helped to challenge the federation and every affiliated union to find pragmatic ways to reinvigorate our spirit, rebuild our strength and serve our members.

Tom Donahue's value and service to this movement go beyond his vision, his eloquence, and his pragmatism to the personal honor, values, integrity and high principles that define his character — to his love of country, of family and the cause of justice and dignity.

With the greatest appreciation and respect, this 22nd Biennial Convention of the AFL-CIO extends its thanks and gratitude to Thomas R. Donahue for his lifetime of service to this federation and the workers we serve.