Washington, DC

Nineteen years ago, Wei Jingsheng burst onto the stage of Chinese history with his now famous wall poster, "The Fifth Modernization," demanding democracy as a matter of right of the Chinese people. His words exposed the dark side of government reforms, namely that Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms would in no way be accompanied by political reforms respecting basic human rights.

Wei Jingsheng came to such views during the years he spent as an electrician at the Beijing Zoo. His experience as a worker gave him a deep appreciation of the suffering inflicted on China’s working people during the cultural revolution and formed the basis of his profound belief in democracy.

Wei’s words so threatened the communist party leadership that Deng Xiaoping himself ordered his arrest. Wei was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Despite years of solitary confinement and physical abuse, Wei continued to speak out in defense of democracy and human rights through the letters he wrote to his family and government officials. Collectively, they eloquently articulate the role and responsibilities of a political dissident in a repressive society.

Wei Jingsheng was released from prison during the fall of 1993 as the International Olympic Committee was considering whether to award the 2000 Olympic Games to China. Weak in body but unbroken in spirit, he continued to speak out on behalf of democracy and human rights in China and was rearrested shortly after China’s bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games failed. He was sentenced to another 15 years.

Last November 15th, the Chinese government abruptly freed Wei Jingsheng and rushed him on a plane bound for the United States to receive medical treatment. Except for a brief, seven-month respite, Wei had been in prison for the past 18 years.

Since his release, Wei has continued to speak out on behalf of working men and women in China. Now is the time for unions all over the world to rally behind him to ensure that his dream of the fifth modernization -- democracy in China -- comes to pass. For our part, the

AFL-CIO stands ready to support Wei in any and every way that we can.

In recognition of his courage, sacrifice and leadership, it is with great pleasure that the 1998 George Meany Human Rights Award is being awarded to China’s most celebrated dissident, Brother Wei Jingsheng.