Black History Month Profiles: Bruce Davis

Bruce Davis

This year, for Black History Month, we're taking a look at a group of leaders who are currently active making Black history across the labor movement. Check back daily for a new profile and meet some of the people working to improve not only their community, but also to improve conditions for working people across the country. Today's profile is Bruce Davis of AFSCME.

Super Bowl 2023, Brought to You by Unions

Super Bowl LVII is Union-Made

In addition to being the most-watched televised event of the year, the Super Bowl represents the hard work of thousands of union members. This includes not only the union members who everyone sees, like the players (NFLPA) and the referees (NFLRA), but also the announcers, musicians, and food, transportation and hotel workers, and many more. We want to recognize the many unions that bring Super Bowl Sunday to millions of people around the world every year.

Black History Month Profiles: Capt. Mario James

Capt. Mario James

This year, for Black History Month, we're taking a look at a group of leaders who are currently active making Black history across the labor movement. Check back daily for a new profile and meet some of the people working to improve not only their community, but also to improve conditions for working people across the country. Today's profile is Capt. Mario James of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA).