Working People Welcome Major League Baseball Players to AFL-CIO

MLB becomes 58th affiliate

Yesterday, the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) became the 58th affiliate of AFL-CIO. President Liz Shuler welcomed the MLBPA to the federation: “The MLBPA and every single one of its 1,200 players have a home in our movement because this union understands and lives the meaning of the word solidarity by leveraging the power of sports and helping others. Together, with our 12.5 million members, we will bring our strength to their fights, including working to organize 5,400 minor league players.”

A.B. 257 Is a Big Step Forward for California Fast-Food Workers

AB257 rally

On Labor Day, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed A.B. 257 into law, delivering to workers one of the most significant labor law victories in recent years. It has taken a decade of perseverance and tireless organizing from fast-food workers, SEIU and other union members, pro-worker elected leaders and community partners to achieve this landmark win.