Labor-Management Partnerships

By partnering with employers, unions help working people develop in-demand skills to power the next generation of American-led innovation.

Joint labor-management training programs in the building and construction industry contribute about $1.5 billion to the American economy every year.

We combine forces to offer opportunities for working people in many other industries including health care, construction, manufacturing, hospitality and aerospace.

The Alliance for Employee Growth and Development is a partnership with the Communication Workers of America and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

The USW Institute for Career Development pursues the goal to help every worker attain his or her full potential, both as an employee and as a human being, in the competitive and challenging environment that lies ahead.

The UAW alliances with Ford and GM drive innovation in labor-management relations, improve the lives of union members, and propel the auto industry into a pattern of profitable growth for the 21st century.

The Kaiser Permanente Labor Management Partnership covers 115,000 union-represented workers, 14,000 managers and 19,000 physicians.