Press Release

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the Highway Trust Fund

Congress is heading toward a much needed, albeit short-term, fix for the Highway Trust Fund. But let’s be clear: while a short-term extension averts the immediate crisis, it is not a solution. Rather, it delays finding a real solution to a serious and unresolved economic crisis. Instead of punting to the next Congress, our leaders should use the short window they have this year to put in place a real bi-partisan, multi-year solution to pay for the vital infrastructure we need.


  • For each $1 billion in federal funding 35,000 jobs are created
  • 25% of our bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
  • 42% of major urban highways are congested, costing business and citizens over $100 billion per year.
  • The most recent World Economic Forum competitiveness report ranked our roads 18th and our railroads 17th in the world.
  • The American Society of Civil Engineers’ most recent report rates our nation’s infrastructure a D+.


Contact: Josh Goldstein 202-637-5018