Press Release

May Day at the AFL-CIO: Anti-Deportation Art Projected on Headquarters Building

Display highlighted deportation crisis’ impact on immigrant workers

(Washington, DC) Last night, the AFL-CIO and its pro-immigrant allies highlighted the cost of the deportation crisis by way of a 90 by 60 foot projection of a video onto its downtown headquarters. The video, featuring the stories and names of deported immigrant workers, will be projected onto the AFL-CIO again tonight, May 1st, as well as tomorrow, May 2nd, from 8:30pm to 11:30.

If any publication requires uncompressed files of event video, please contact [email protected]

All video and stills can be used by press with proper attribution. For video, please attribute to the AFL-CIO. For photos, please attribute to Bill Burke, Page One Photography.

Contact: Jeff Hauser or Gonzalo Salvador (202) 637-5018