Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

Executive Council Review of Article XX

In connection with the AFL-CIO’s quadrennial convention, several amendments and resolutions have been submitted on the topic of raiding of AFL-CIO affiliates by unions not affiliated with the AFL-CIO.  In addition, proposals have been submitted to modify or eliminate the jurisdictional dispute process set forth in Article XX of the AFL-CIO Constitution.

Raiding of another union’s members is destructive to the labor movement and a distraction from the important issues facing working people today.  The labor movement should focus on strategies to organize the unorganized and bring more workers into our movement.

The proposed resolution and amendments on raiding raise important issues that merit full and careful consideration by the Executive Council – fuller and more deliberate consideration than is possible as part of the Convention process.

The President of the AFL-CIO shall appoint, in consultation with the Executive Council, a special committee to review issues relating to raiding, including raiding by and against local unions holding Solidarity Charters.  The special committee shall develop recommendations which shall be brought to the Council for its review and consideration no later than the Council’s February 2014 meeting.