Executive Council Statement | Corporate Greed

Political Campaign Reporting

AFL-CIO Executive Council statement

The 2008 election is so critically important to the future of working families.  The Republicans, wealthy individuals and corporations always have vast sums of money to spend on their campaigns.  Labor-endorsed candidates rely heavily on the labor movement for money and boots on the ground.

The labor movement has worked with the progressive movement to build coalitions to elect progressive, working family candidates.

There are wealthy individuals and nonprofit organizations that are sympathetic to the goals and objectives of the labor movement in terms of the types of candidates that we support.  These individuals and groups have money and resources that we should leverage with our own resources, programs and money.

Each affiliated union of the AFL-CIO shall prepare a summary of its expected political program and money expenditures that shall be shared on a confidential basis with the AFL-CIO for the express purpose of producing a comprehensive package of resources that can be used to leverage participation in a coordinated fashion with our progressive allies to maximize coordination for victory in 2008.