Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

Support for Las Vegas Table Game Dealers

Las Vegas, NV

(Submitted by Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO)

Whereas, table game dealers at three major hotels on the Las Vegas Strip -- the Tropicana, the Stratosphere and the New Frontier -- voted to unionize earlier this year under the banner of the Transport Workers Union of America; and

Whereas, the TWU chartered a new Local (#721) to aid in the process of securing first union contracts for the table game dealers at these three hotels, and to serve as a springboard for organizing this city's approximately 30,000 unrepresented dealers; and

Whereas, the dealers are simply seeking the same kind of decent wages, benefits and dignity and respect on the job as enjoyed for decades by most other hotel employees on the Las Vegas Strip; and

Whereas, when these three contracts are successfully negotiated and ratified, they will be the first such agreements for table game dealers ever in Las Vegas; now therefore be it

Resolved, that this national Convention of the AFL-CIO offers its full support to the Transport Workers Union in its efforts to gain first union contracts for table game dealers at the Tropicana, Stratosphere and New Frontier; and be it further

Resolved, that this Convention supports TWU's long-term goals of organizing
table game dealers throughout Las Vegas; and be it finally

Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the Nevada State AFL-CIO, the management of the three newly organized hotels, and top management of all major Las Vegas Casinos.