Executive Council Statement | Better Pay and Benefits

Per Capita Tax Applicable to Associate Members

Los Angeles, CA

The Executive Council has voted to recommend to the convention adoption of Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 8, "Authorizing the Executive Council to Determine the Amounts of Per Capita Tax Due From Affiliates on Behalf of Their Associate and Retired Members." Convention approval of this amendment would delete from Article XV, Section 4 the provision that "per capita payments with respect to any categories of associate membership . . . shall be two-thirds of the regular per capita of the AFL-CIO," and substitute instead a provision authorizing the Executive Council to establish the associate member per capita tax rate. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 19, this amendment would take effect immediately.

It is the Executive Council's intention to review and decide the question of an appropriate level of per capita tax payments applicable to associate members as soon as possible if the amendment is approved. In the interim, in order that there be no interruption of associate member per capita tax payments, until the Council acts otherwise affiliates shall continue to pay the AFL-CIO per capita taxes with respect to any category of associate members at the rate of two-thirds the regular per capita tax rate.