Executive Council Statement | Civil Rights

The Union Community Fund

Chicago, IL

WHEREAS: The AFL-CIO is committed to support the charitable and human services needs in our communities, and to provide opportunities -- in concert with national affiliates and local labor organizations -- for union members to participate in workplace programs; and

WHEREAS: The AFL-CIO has established a non-profit organization, the Union Community Fund (UCF), to serve as a national charity agency with chapters and committees throughout the country, to be overseen by local boards of union leaders, activists, and rank-and-file members; and

WHEREAS: This program is intended to bolster and supplement rather than to displace existing charitable programs that the labor movement is involved in, such as the United Way; and

WHEREAS: The UCF has been incorporated in the District of Columbia, has registered its trademark, and has applied for IRS 501(c)(3) status;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That the AFL-CIO strongly endorses the Union Community Fund program and will continue with the further development of the program's basic elements, including the opening of a bank account, the recruitment and hiring of a program director, creation of an infrastructure for the ongoing action, and the identification of target cities to serve as local pilot programs.