Executive Council Statement | Civil Rights

World War II Memorial

Monterey, CA

More than 50 years after the end of World War II, our nation is now building a national memorial to recognize the courage and sacrifices made by a generation of Americans who served their country overseas and on the home front, united in a bond of common purpose to win the war that changed the course of human history.

The World War II Memorial will honor the bravery of the men and women of the armed forces who fought and died to defend democracy and freedom. At the same time, it will pay tribute to the millions of working men and women on the home front — many of them union members — who also helped to win the war through the hard work and endless dedication to the war effort that made America the "arsenal of democracy."

The memorial, being built under the auspices of the American Battle Monuments Commission, will occupy a place of honor on the National Mall between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. While the site has been provided by the federal government, nearly all the funds needed to build the memorial will come from private contributions.

The AFL-CIO encourages all of its affiliates to join in supporting the World War II Memorial as a stirring reminder for generations to come of the commitment and determination of an entire nation to triumph over tyranny in the name of peace, freedom and democracy.