Executive Council Statement

1996 Olympic Games

Los Angeles, CA

The Olympic Games in the past have represented the highest ideals of fair play and honorable competition. It is most unfortunate that the agency managing the 1996 Summer Olympics, The Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games (ACOG), may tarnish this long-standing tradition in at least one instance. While many of the issues raised by the labor movement, working through the Atlanta Labor Council, have been addressed, the insistence of ACOG in classifying Broadcast Technicians as "independent contractors" is a gross misuse of the classification at the expense of the working men and women of America. In addition ACOG is attempting to import technical workers from foreign countries. We do not believe ACOG has made a legitimate attempt to secure enough personnel in this country and until they do, their request should be denied. We support the efforts of the IBEW to resolve this matter.