Press Release | Trade

Korea FTA Deal Leaves Working Families Behind

Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the newly struck trade deal with South Korea:

Working families are once again being left behind in favor of corporate interests benefiting from the continued suppression of workers' rights. Although the deal contains some beneficial provisions, such as the limitation on steel imports and the 20-year extension of the U.S. truck tariff, these benefits pale in comparison to the deal’s failure to address labor rights. It falls far short of any acceptable standard by disregarding the tangible, human impacts of trade. Any deal that ignores the economic and human needs of working people is ultimately destined to fail.

Working people will continue to push the Trump administration and Congress to ensure that our lives and our interests are at the forefront of any trade agreements. We won't settle for anything less.

Contact: John Weber (202) 637-5018