The latest episode of the "Labor Radio–Podcast Weekly" features the fight for equality and justice, a new version of "Solidarity Forever" and more. This week’s highlights from labor radio and podcast shows focusing on working people include:
- On the latest SAG-AFTRA podcast, SAG-AFTRA officers, President Gabrielle Carteris and National Executive Director David White, discuss their personal journeys and the union's role in the fight for equality and justice: “We are going to bring this around to the issue of police brutality, social inequality, the organization's role on that.”
- A new, millennial version of “Solidarity Forever” from the RadioLabour podcast.
- WorkWeek talks with a Chicago bus driver: "We have at least four dead bus operators in Chicago from COVID-19. I was one of many dozens who have gotten COVID-19."
- Plus Labor History in 2 and a teaser for the latest episode of The Gig podcast.
Check out all the shows on Labor Radio/Podcast Network.