Welcome to our regular feature, a look at what the various AFL-CIO unions and other working family organizations are doing across the country and beyond. The labor movement is big and active—here's a look at the broad range of activities we're engaged in this week.
Actors' Equity:
Thank you to the extraordinary athletes of the @WNBA for using your voices to demand change. 👏🏾👏🏿👏🏽 https://t.co/f4BX4srMnU
— Actors' Equity (@ActorsEquity) August 27, 2020
This AFGE Local 4070 president explains what's happening inside federal prisons and what more should be done to protect correctional workers →https://t.co/SobgyYp2dC
— AFGE (@AFGENational) August 27, 2020
If the federal government fails to provide immediate assistance to our communities to fund essential public services, there will be cuts and layoffs when we need our everyday heroes keeping our communities safe, healthy and strong. Congress must #FundTheFrontLines #TrumpChaos
— AFSCME (@AFSCME) August 27, 2020
Air Line Pilots Association:
Today, more than 11,000 U.S. ALPA pilots have received notices of potential furlough and are at risk of being furloughed, displaced or otherwise negatively impacted. Meet four ALPA pilots who are depending on Congress to pass a clean extension of the #PayrollSupportProgram. pic.twitter.com/iDLbfWjkka
— ALPA (@WeAreALPA) August 26, 2020
Alliance for Retired Americans:
President Trump's payroll tax cut will defund Social Security by 2023. This is not a drill. Sign our petition here: https://t.co/JEyepzerEK #HandsOffSocialSecurity #Election2020 https://t.co/GbjH0LIbfi
— Alliance Retirees (@ActiveRetirees) August 27, 2020
Amalgamated Transit Union:
Congress is on vacation, while #motorcoach companies shutdown, slash service, and lay off workers. It's time for Congress to get back to work & provide emerg. funding for the motor coach industry. Click below to send letters to your Members of Congress, then share this post. #1u pic.twitter.com/v7BtsBxoWU
— ATU, Transit Union (@ATUComm) August 27, 2020
American Federation of Musicians:
The Knoxville Symphony Society’s notice on August 24, 2020 to furlough orchestra musicians without pay for five months violates the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the KSO & AFM Local 546 (Knoxville Musicians Assoc). https://t.co/Awv91MeM1n
— AFM (@The_AFM) August 26, 2020
American Federation of Teachers:
#COVID19 has exposed the need to reinvent a century-old system of education. Now and beyond, there are significant changes policymakers and educators can make to ensure teaching and learning are equitable and empowering. #RestartReinventSchool https://t.co/3elYe65zD6 pic.twitter.com/mlollLOVt4
— AFT (@AFTunion) August 25, 2020
American Postal Workers Union:
On Tuesday, we had so many incredible actions that generated so many local news stories. The takeaway? The USPS is vital to EVERY community in America and we are stronger when we take action together. #SaveThePostOffice https://t.co/zPNp3Clre1
— APWU National (@APWUnational) August 27, 2020
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance:
— Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO (@APALAnational) August 6, 2020
The National Executive Board of APALA voted to adopt a resolution to stand in solidarity with the @Mvmnt4BlkLives and their demands for defunding the police and investing in Black communities #BLM pic.twitter.com/jgPG2khHab
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA:
We need a COVID-19 relief package with our payroll support passed TODAY. Our jobs are on the line right now and millions are hurting without this relief! Keep us connected to our jobs, paychecks, & healthcare. We are counting on you. Thank you.”
— AFA-CWA (@afa_cwa) August 27, 2020
Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers:
No excuses. We have to make change happen in November. Our future is depending on US. https://t.co/lEcZMjEQuH https://t.co/tq6uhnofPn
— BCTGM International (@BCTGM) August 21, 2020
Update: Workers reached an agreement yesterday w/ Nicholson Manufacturing. #Boilermakers from L-191 (Victoria, British Columbia) & Machinists head back to work today after a nearly 2-week lock out from their jobs! Thank you to everyone who stood with our brothers & sisters. ✊ pic.twitter.com/B6PQdY1oRM
— Boilermakers Union (@boilermakernews) August 26, 2020
New BAC Local 2 BC members showing off their training on the Red Seal examination. 🧱 https://t.co/XyfQ6c6fQs
— Bricklayers Union (@IUBAC) August 26, 2020
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists:
Today is the official launch of CBTU's one-stop website for the 2020 elections -- ReadySetVote! (https://t.co/psQ2njDWx7)
— CBTU (@CBTU72) August 26, 2020
ReadySetVote can help visitors check their voting status, register to vote or volunteer. Visit https://t.co/psQ2njDWx7 #Election2020 #BlackVotesMatter #1u #2p pic.twitter.com/YiciHmPAG1
Coalition of Labor Union Women:
Want to register more people to vote? Please make sure to contact your local union for voter registration materials. #Unionsvote
— CLUW National (@CLUWNational) August 27, 2020
Communications Workers of America:
Our well wishes go out to those impacted by Hurricane Laura.
— CWA (@CWAUnion) August 26, 2020
When hurricanes hit, CWAers put in long hours making sure critical public services are available, reporting the news, repairing downed phone lines, helping airline passengers & more. Thank you for all you do. pic.twitter.com/ADwZgswLYT
Department for Professional Employees:
On #NationalDogDay, we are throwing it back and highlighting some very good union dogs from @thedodounion! #1u #UnionDog https://t.co/yWVlhXwez3
— Department for Professional Employees (@DPEaflcio) August 26, 2020
Electrical Workers:
— IBEW (@IBEW) August 26, 2020
Farm Labor Organizing Committee:
While @BATPress and Reynolds have ignored calls for human rights from farmworkers who create their wealth for years they donated $14,000 to corrupt Harnett County State Rep David Lewis key in racist gerrymandering and S615 stripping our rights #boycottVUSE
— Farm Labor Organizing Committee (@SupportFLOC) August 27, 2020
Fire Fighters:
California #Firefighters Battled Blazes While Their Own Homes Were Threatenedhttps://t.co/XDBx1jFZbY
— IAFF (@IAFFNewsDesk) August 27, 2020
Heat and Frost Insulators:
"This has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."
— Insulators Union 🦎 (@InsulatorsUnion) August 26, 2020
Local 7 5th Year Apprentice Aaron Olson
🦎🦎🦎 pic.twitter.com/OKlaGhUoJP
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers:
We ALWAYS Support workers on #STRIKE for what they believe in. Never let them forget THE WORLD WORKS BECAUSE WE DO! https://t.co/kxH8UejY0N
— IFPTE (@IFPTE) August 26, 2020
Jobs With Justice:
One company literally had the words “don’t ask, don’t tell" within their covid policy.
— Jobs With Justice (@jwjnational) August 27, 2020
Secrecy spreads disease. These companies are complicit. https://t.co/nsbtpks4TX
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement:
to the health, social and financial crisis that COVID-19 has unleashed upon working families across the Puerto Rico. Please register in advance: https://t.co/ftdoX6vooq#AllOfUs #COVID19 #TodosSomosPuertoRico pic.twitter.com/OS71Mz0TDR
— LCLAA (@LCLAA) August 26, 2020
🚨Did you fill out the #Census yet? If not, please respond TODAY! The 2020 U.S. Census, helps determine congressional and state legislative district lines, allots federal resources for transportation, infrastructure & education. #laborcounts
— LIUNA (@LIUNA) August 25, 2020
Go to: https://t.co/mgfJOVGsbJ pic.twitter.com/vjceZTdpbB
@ILAUnion Boston ILA “Rocks The Vote” for Massachusetts Senate candidate Joseph Kennedy; “Dropkick Murphys”, Boston’s famed Punk/Celtic Band Joins ILA Members For “Get Out The Vote” .Outdoor Concert. #JoeKennedyforSenate pic.twitter.com/euNMYerorc
— Int'l LongshoreAssoc (@ILAUnion) August 23, 2020
From solidarity to success, IAM Local S6 shows the world how to fight for good Maine jobs at @GDBIW. pic.twitter.com/IPGeI4OZjx
— Machinists Union ✈️🚊🚀 (@MachinistsUnion) August 27, 2020
Metal Trades Department:
When Supply Lagged, NAVSEA Metal Trades Shipyard Workers Stepped Up to Make Half-a-Million Masks for First Responders, Peers | Metal Trades Department, AFL-CIO https://t.co/fFczL0bUEX pic.twitter.com/2SmvObM5Lf
— Metal Trades Dept. (@metaltradesafl) August 25, 2020
Mine Workers:
Solidarity with @TheNBPA for their wildcat #strike from the union that knows more about striking than anyone! You stood up for all the right reasons today. We are with you. #BlackLivesMatter #1u @KingJames @Bucks
— United Mine Workers (@MineWorkers) August 26, 2020
National Air Traffic Controllers Association:
We are excited to see so many of our #NATCAfamily members participating in @NATCACharitable's 25 for 25 Pushup Challenge. ANYONE can take part in this campaign to help raise awareness and support for mental health issues and suicide prevention. https://t.co/4rO06BjR00 pic.twitter.com/W3KBu6EEZR
— NATCA (@NATCA) August 26, 2020
National Association of Letter Carriers:
When railroad workers found a toddler alone on tracks behind the post office, they called police. The boy was unable to provide info about where he lived. Just then, the officers ran into carrier Shanna Erdman, who said she recognized the boy from her route & provided his address pic.twitter.com/29tXk8xOMl
— Letter Carriers (@NALC_National) August 26, 2020
National Domestic Workers Alliance:
Rent week is approaching.
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) August 27, 2020
We belong in our homes.
We are counting on Congress and elected officials at all levels of government to take action to keep us in there. pic.twitter.com/CDQV1wv4rY
National Federation of Federal Employees-IAM:
Make sure you are prepared for campaign season. Familiarize yourself with the new #HatchAct guidance that has been released for teleworkers.https://t.co/9Ui5N2k2Ez
— NFFE (@NFFE_Union) August 21, 2020
National Nurses United:
NNU on the Shooting of Jacob Blake
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) August 27, 2020
“Nurses know that racism, police, and white supremacist violence is a public health crisis. As a society, we all have an obligation to work to stop this epidemic,” said NNU President Jean Ross, RN.
Press Release➡️ https://t.co/hgd9lQYuvj pic.twitter.com/2MS0PRqHm5
National Taxi Workers Alliance:
“We served & believed. NYC + banks lied & deceived.”
— NY Taxi Workers (@NYTWA) August 27, 2020
Yellow cab owner-drivers demand debt relief now! pic.twitter.com/Pkq5nukr44
NFL Players Association:
Players: we have a page dedicated to voting resources:
— NFLPA (@NFLPA) August 27, 2020
• Check if you're registered
• Get information specific to your local elections
• Find important dates
🔗: https://t.co/e4N5j5rWgb pic.twitter.com/wpuWVNAWgq
North America's Building Trades Unions:
Make TODAY the day.
— The Building Trades (@NABTU) August 27, 2020
Begin your path towards a family-sustaining, #BuildingTrades UNION career ✊ pic.twitter.com/Nc1ZDOGHmE
Office and Professional Employees:
Workers across the US do not make a wage that can sustain themselves or their families. They fight to form unions because the boss can always find an excuse why they aren't worth it. THEY ARE WORTH IT. #1u #nonprofit https://t.co/ZXDZA19HU7
— OPEIU Local 39 (@OPEIU39) August 26, 2020
Painters and Allied Trades:
The numbers speak for themselves.
— IUPAT (@GoIUPAT) August 26, 2020
Workers deserve fair union elections! pic.twitter.com/rMQTSHEYvu
Plasterers and Cement Masons:
Donald Trump’s war on the US Postal Service is a war on voting, a war against our veterans, a war against the American people, and an existential threat to our democracy. Watch this great @votevets ad: https://t.co/7qmn6U17yN
— OPCMIA International (@opcmiaintl) August 26, 2020
Professional Aviation Safety Specialists:
Congratulations to @AFGENational for protecting your members. Unions are more important than ever, especially in the federal sector, so that the dedicated men & women we represent can continue to serve the American public during this national emergency. #1u #publicservice https://t.co/zJMKXyhRjf
— PASS (@PASSNational) August 26, 2020
Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union:
“Too many workers have already sacrificed their health for our community’s benefit… The New York HERO Act will honor their efforts by giving workers the tools to protect themselves while on the job." @SenGianarishttps://t.co/Y6mDMEJGyf
— RWDSU (@RWDSU) August 27, 2020
Women's Equality Day: A Celebration of Women's Voices & Women's Votes with @TheGabrielle_C @LaMonicaPeters @TichinaArnold @lizshuler @BrendaSong @bellathorne #WomensEqualityDay @RockTheVote @AFLCIO https://t.co/g9Vw1tB2df
— SAG-AFTRA (@sagaftra) August 26, 2020
SIU-Crewed NY Waterway Ferry Crew Rescues Man in Hudson - Seafarers International Union https://t.co/3jXrg5CxIA
— Seafarers Union (@SeafarersUnion) August 27, 2020
Solidarity Center:
"We are building capacity of women & men to end violence & harassment at work, esp violence against traditionally marginalized grps, incl women & LGBTQ community"—Isela Juarez, SITRASEMCA prez/ @red_contraVA #Honduras #RatifyC190 #genderequalnewnormal https://t.co/p632Xep867
— Solidarity Center (@SolidarityCntr) August 27, 2020
Are you registered to vote? Need to request ballot by mail?
— Transportation Communications Union/IAM (@TCUnionHQ) August 21, 2020
Your union is making it easy! Check your voter registration status and get the information you need to vote by mail safely, securely and on time.https://t.co/BPLRzFMFZd
The NewsGuild-CWA:
We asking Congress to save #localnews—#Republicans and #Democrats. Tell your elected officials to step up and help #SaveTheNews. https://t.co/xWtqIb7Q17
— NewsGuild-CWA (@newsguild) August 27, 2020
Theatrical Stage Employees:
The trump campaign went out of their way to ensure that #RNC2020 is the first Republican National Convention to be done non-union in recent memory.
— IATSE (@IATSE) August 25, 2020
Now their speakers are bashing working people and their unions.
Transport Workers Union:
#WomensEqualityDay celebrates the suffragist movement. This year, there is a dire need to check your voter registration status. You can get started below. Remember, the only way to ensure equality in the workplace is by having a union contract! #Labor2020https://t.co/Opm6FQuNfC
— TWU (@transportworker) August 26, 2020
Transportation Trades Department:
The #PayrollSupportProgram has successfully ensured that nearly 1M frontline aviation workers like Nicholas can keep their jobs & healthcare during these tough times. W/o an extension, they face losing both. This critical program must be extended. #ReliefNow pic.twitter.com/mjuwpDsNmx
— Transp. Trades Dept. (@TTDAFLCIO) August 27, 2020
Jermaine Harris of UAW Local 900 was a delegate to last week's Democratic National Convention. Hear why it’s important for American workers to make their voices heard in November and how Jermaine is passing that message on to his children: pic.twitter.com/xE00qdMgEx
— UAW (@UAW) August 25, 2020
Union Label and Service Trades Department:
No Unions Allowed at Republican National Convention | ucomm blog https://t.co/NlrQYiRTch
— Union Label Dept. (@ULSTD_AFLCIO) August 26, 2020
Union Veterans Council:
That’s right @votevets,@DrBiden will Champion funding schools for military families, not steal the money for a pointless Construction project in the southwest. https://t.co/NXL6ho2QiX
— Union Veterans Council (@unionveterans) August 26, 2020
Solidarity with our Union brothers in the NBA that are striking — during PLAYOFFS — to take a stand against police violence, anti-Blackness, and racial injustices harming all Black & brown communities alike. You're platform may be big, but pro basketball players are workers, too.
— UNITE HERE (@unitehere) August 26, 2020
United Steelworkers:
Tom Conway discusses Trump’s anti-worker NLRB on The Leslie Marshall Show https://t.co/DboBx6QvMs #USWUnity
— United Steelworkers (@steelworkers) August 27, 2020
United Students Against Sweatshops:
Last weekend at the USAS Virtual Summer Conference, USASers discussed our campuses’ appalling reopening plans. Students across the country are making our own plans to fight back ;) #StudentSafetyOverProfit #WorkerSafetyOverProfit pic.twitter.com/ItOyCPhXj2
— USAS (@USAS) August 27, 2020
United Union of Roofers and Waterproofers:
Did you know that 61% of fatal falls in construction occur in small businesses with 10 or fewer employees? https://t.co/cqSz6kZXBg #roofersafety365 pic.twitter.com/06QEE8rwiZ
— Roofers Union (@roofersunion) August 26, 2020
Utility Workers:
We’re very proud of our recent UMAP program graduates, who managed to safely complete their program despite the pandemic!
— UWUA National (@The_UWUA) August 27, 2020
Show your support for #veterans in the UMAP program and across the nation today: https://t.co/pOB1WUKdbx pic.twitter.com/JWjXg6aExZ
Working America:
Michigan voters: apply to vote from home TODAY! Absentee ballot applications for the November 3 general election are available now. Apply online or download your application today at: https://t.co/aEGS2Kt98h #MIVoting pic.twitter.com/1OLPieiaw1
— Working America (@WorkingAmerica) August 20, 2020
Writers Guild of America, East:
"We’re seeing increased interest in organizing."
— Writers Guild of America, East (@WGAEast) August 25, 2020
Check out @nwquah's interview with WGAE Executive Director @LowellPeterson about unionizing the podcast industry.https://t.co/83PuAlWe2o